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Friday, May 17, 2013

Tories need to cut ties with Senator Mike Duffy

Let's put this into perspective: The prime minister's right hand man has loaned or gifted an government official $90,000 to reimburse taxpayers for falsely claiming a government benefit. Moreover, none of the terms of the deal have been made public.

The Tories have concocted an unbelievable tale that Duffy and Wright are buddies so the latter just gifted him $90,000 without telling the prime minister. The story might be true but it sounds phony.
As former Brian Mulroney Chief of Staff Norman Spector put it in a tweet: "This Duffy stuffy is characteristic of end-of-regime behaviour."

And it get's worse: today, we learn that Duffy claimed Senate expenses while campaigning for the Conservatives during the 2011 election.

I'm sure a lot of Canadians would like to see Duffy booted-out of the senate but, constitutionally, that's a very difficult thing to do.

Political consultant, Gerry Nicholls says that puts the Tories in a dilemma.

"Given his TV background, Mike Duffy is a high profile personality, one of the few Senators people might actually recognize," Nicholls told Yahoo! Canada News.

"This serves to amplify his troubles, which in turn causes more damage to the Conservative brand. That’s why they need to shut down this story and try to make it go away. The best way to do that is for Duffy to resign."

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