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Friday, May 17, 2013

Is Stephen Harper taking his head out of his rectal orifice?

Hell no ...

Stephen Harper is trying to tell Canadians something that the World has been trying to tell Stephen Harper..... for decades ....first they tried to tell him that science and technology was the only answer to Global Warming.

Really people did he say this or is he trying to deflect your attention from the corruption in the Prime Ministers Office.

I'll go for misdirection. This is a man who cut the Canadian Environmental Scientists. This is the man who has silenced the Canadian Environmental Scientists. this is the man who has changed Canada protection of waters and rivers so that he can speed up environmental assessment to the detriment of our waters.

Stephen Harper has proven that he and the Conservatives do not care about the environment.

So why now ?..... because there is a focus on the corruption within the Conservative Party with regard to election fraud, misappropriation of Canadian tax dollars by Senators and criminal activity within the Senate and the PMO.

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