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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Canada - A democracy or a Dictatorship?

The Conservatives are living in a World of denial and are silencing their scientists to further corporate interests. All this while the happy gang rants and screams at those who oppose their lousy salesmanship.

The "Happy Gang" selling the "Oil Sands

 Ayatollah Harper
Sheik "Banshee" Baird

Sheik "Happy" Oliver
While these three are denying the existence of "Global Warming" they are preparing to defend Canada's sovereign rights to oil and minerals under the ice in the rapidly warming north which is due to a rise in temperature and the receding ice they say is not caused by Global Warming.
Is this really good salesmanship? Is silencing the "Federal Scientific Community" the right thing to do?
The oil and pipeline industry are placing subtle ad's on TV in an attempt to convince the World that they are working in the best interest of the environment. While industry is a long way off from being successful, they are trying to do something, which is more than the Ayatollah and his Sheiks are doing.
Denying and turning a blind eye to a problem won't make it go away nor will it get better without science and a concerted effort from all levels of government, the Federal government in particular.
Ramping up advertising

Your tax dollars at work .......

Ottawa is dramatically ramping up ad spending by Natural Resources Canada as the Conservatives take their environmental and natural resources fight directly to the American market.

Budgetary estimates show that $16.5 million has been set aside by the department for advertising in 2013-14 to highlight what the Harper government calls responsible resource development.

That's up from $9 million last year and just $237,000 in Natural Resources advertising in 2010-11.

Remember Canada, it was Ralph Kline and the people of Alberta that insisted the oil resources did not belong to Canada ..... and they are refusing to share revenues with BC even though they hope to run a pipeline through the Province.

In addition to a massive TV ad blitz aimed at domestic audiences, Natural Resources has begun a U.S.-directed advertising offensive that includes promotions and ads in influential publications and a website for American viewers,

But the website was immediately criticized by some environmental groups for misrepresenting the truth, including a claim that Canada has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 26 per cent since 1990 — when in fact emissions more than tripled between 1990 and 2011.

So why is the rest of Canada responsible for advertising for something they are not entitled to?

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