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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ансамбль "Берёзка" - Девичий хоровод "Берёзка"

Amazing Floating Step

These dancers walk so fast without making sounds on the dance floor or tripping over their dresses? Wow simply amazing!
Berezka means a birch tree in Russian.  The ensemble was founded in 1948 and since then they have become a symbol of Russia. Each concert starts with a circle dance in which the dancers seem to be standing still while the stage under their steps seems to be moving. Upon joining the ensemble, dancers are told to keep the famous ‘floating step’ technique a secret. The secret of this step is kept secret. The ensemble is formed by choreographer Nadezhda Nadezhdina who once explained that the core of any dance is the poetic image of a young maiden.
“The mystery lies not in the step but in the emotional state!”

Thanks Sylvia

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