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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

25 Clever Ideas To Make Life Easier - love it!

Use egg cartons to separate and store your Christmas decorations.

That works but I like my old beer case better

Win friends at breakfast with this heart-shaped egg tutorial. Aww shucks!

They said it all

Turn your muffin pan upside down cover with cookie dough and cook. Voila! You have shells for fruit, ice cream or whatever.

Now that's a great idea.

Freeze Aloe Vera in ice-cube trays for soothing sunburn relief.

remember to keep the granddaughter out of the freezer... she may think tey're popsicles with no stick

Gutter garden: Create a window-box veggie patch using guttering.

I like this but don't think the condo board would be too pleased with me.

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