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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Marcia's Funeral

It was the mid seventies and Pat, I and the kids were in our new home in Chateauguay. During the winter our cat Marcia, as was customary, went carousing around the neighborhood. That afternoon we were hit with one of those gigantic snow storms that only those in Eastern Canada can relate to.

Marcia did not return. Not one to wander far she was nowhere to be found. We had an early thaw that year and our next door neighbor informed me that Marcia had succumbed to that first winter storm and she could be found against his foundation.... only about 20 feet from safety.

That evening I was designated funeral director and it was suggested that the poor old girl be laid to rest in the open field next to our house. I took my trusted spade and headed off into the field. As one can appreciated the ground was still frozen. There was no way I could plant the old girl so, we decided to just cover her with snow and the kids would never know the difference.

Spring came, the snow melted and construction resumed. As was customary in our home all the family (we had 3 kids of our own and 2 foster children) would sit down to supper together and discuss our day. Everything went well until we got to Jason, our youngest at the time.

And so "How was your day Jason"?

Jason, "We were playing on the mountain (large mound of dirt from construction) and the bulldozer ran over Marcia"

Me to myself "Oh Shit, We told the kids Marcia was in heaven, what do I do now"

The only thing I could think of was.... " Marcia is in Heaven, the bulldozer may have run over her body but her spirit is with God"

They bought it.... whew

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