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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

844 Egan Verdun Quebec

Mom on the front balcony of 844 Egan(circa 1942)
Check out the leaded glass windows.
These are tenement row houses just south of Banintyne. 
My grandparents lived there up until the early 60' s when my grandmother moved into the apartment over Dave and Roz at 357 Empire in Greenfield Park Quebec.

Now I have never said I was the smartest dude at the ranch but 7 years after this photo was taken my grandad built a swing on the balcony. Now this is the third floor of the row houses.
I was playing on balcony and like a highrise tightrope acrobat I climbed on the railing. That was the first lucky day of my life... I slipped off the rail... towards the balcony but my neck became tangled in the swing rope.... fortunately gramps was aware of my stupidity and saw my dilema, he ran out and saved me from strangling myself.
Our nephew Paul Snyder in front of 357 Empire.

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