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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gay is Okay

I am a 67 year old working class heterosexual (strait for the brain dead) male who has always known what his sexual preference was. I grew up in an open home. There were no secrets. No conversation was taboo.

I was one of the fortunate ones.

Lets not fool ourselves, in the 50's and 60's gays were in the closet. The church told them it was a sin and employers were afraid to hire gays for fear of losing business.

My gosh it sounds like 2011. It would appear that society has not evolved, many of you remain in the dark ages, ignorance runs rampant amongst you.

From the age of ten my parents home was a refuge for the disenfranchised children of greater Montreal. Through no fault of their own these kids were placed into foster care, over 450 of them passed through our house. I have seen it all.

Being gay is not contagious, your child won't catch it from the neighbors son or daughter. Gay is not a disease, it is a preference. Contrary to what some fools may think gays are not into converting others. They leave conversion to the various religious groups.

Trust me I know from experience. When in my mid teens I was friends with a black fellow about my age, occasionally he would sleep over at our house, in my bed.... with me. I found out that he was gay a few years ago.... seems that many of my friends at the time knew that he was gay. I didn't catch it nor did he attempt to convert me.

So please be tolerant and accepting. Most of all teach your children to be tolerant and accepting not just of gays but, of all those who dare to be different.




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