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Friday, July 14, 2017

Trump is isolating America

Canada, Germany and France just showed you how they can lead new world order

A new world order emerged at the G20 world leaders' meeting in Hamburg last week.
Three countries led by progressive-minded leaders – Germany, France and Canada – have assumed the moral leadership of the free world and will now attempt to chart its course.
The G20 represents two-thirds of the world's population and all industrialized major economies. Member countries have about two-thirds of the world's population, produce 80 per cent of its economic output, and account for three-quarters of global trade.
As the United States slips voluntarily behind the curtains, the new invigorated leadership that emerged at G20 will likely ensure that this new world order is not directed by a single superpower (or by bipolar ones).

Will Trump's U.S. isolate itself from a new world order?

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