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Friday, June 21, 2013

So the Conservatives think Canadians will doze off and forget about the F-35

Well good people the Conservatives and Lockheed Martin think that you are idiots.... well they are not far off..... it seems that Lockheed Martin was here in Canada handing out component orders to bolster the Conservatives fall agenda on how they have squandered billions of our tax dollars on the F-35 albatross.

The deal has been done for years, the past controversy and the various feasibility studies have been nothing but a charade by the Harper team of liars who are intent on buying this overpriced aircraft...... but worse than that they have squandered millions of taxpayer dollars to bolster their charade.....

Like everything else they do it is laced with incompetence, lies and cover-ups.

It is a done deal and Canadians have been conned by the CON-servatives.

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