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Monday, June 24, 2013

Conservatives using charity for political gain, a third world approach to politics

In a disgusting display of partisan politics Rob Moore has taken a rather benign story about The Grace Foundation and turned it into a political attack against an opposition leader. To be honest I was not much better, when I first heard the attacks by James Moore in the House of Commons it angered me..... for two reasons.... firstly because the attacks were on the floor of the commons and were not just intended to demean an opponent but they were a total waste of valuable time that could have been better spent in Canada's best interest ..... but second I felt, wrongly I might add, that the charity had used political pressure to accomplish their demands.

For that I apologize and for painting The Grace Foundation with the same brush as many other charities.

The only charities I donate to are the Salvation Army, Diabetes and occasionally the Cancer Society but mainly the Food Bank. I, like many of my peers, have been disillusioned with the other charities who appear to take unfair advantage of their donors.

The Grace Foundation never intended for its dispute with Justin Trudeau to become a political topic in the House of Commons, says chairman Ian Webster.
The charity paid Trudeau $20,000 to speak at a fundraiser for the nursing home last summer, but ended up losing money and subsequently asked the federal Liberal leader for a refund.

The federal Conservatives have been accusing Trudeau of caring more about making money than serving the public.

Conservative MP for Fundy-Royal Rob Moore has said the charity asked him to pressure Trudeau to return his fee after a letter to Trudeau did not work.

Grace Foundation board member Susan Buck wrote to Trudeau asking for $20,000 because the event was a "huge disappointment and financial loss."

But in a statement issued late on Thursday, Webster said the board did not authorize anyone to approach Moore or any political person on the speaking fee dispute.

The statement said the board made the decision to drop the matter "after receiving no response" from Speaker's Spotlight, the agency that represented Trudeau as a speaker.

This story has only reinforced my belief that this Conservative party will stoop to the lowest level possible in an attempt to influence their political base while attacking their opponents.

Consevatives, a Third World Government
"I have e-mail correspondence dated April 9th, between one of my staff and Sue Buck (on behalf of the Grace Foundation), confirming that we received the letter," Perelmuter said.

"My staff member indicated that we were confused by the request for a refund, since we had followed up after the event, nine months prior to receiving the letter, and were told that the Grace Foundation was pleased with the outcome, and Justin’s presentation."

A well-placed source told CBC News the board did not know about Speaker Spotlight's response and, even if it had, it would not have changed the board's decision to drop the matter in any case.

Board member Judith Baxter gave the Buck letter to Moore. Baxter, who posted a photo of herself on Facebook visiting the Prime Minister's Office in February, received a Jubilee medal from Moore, and her husband, Glen, is on the executive of Moore's riding association.

In defense of the Grace Foundation it is not unusual for donors to make a promise then fail to deliver and for the people to only find out months later..... similar to a Conservative promise of accountability .... it just doesn't happen.

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