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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Canada's image has been tarnished

It is sad but true, the way other countries and their people view Canada has been badly tarnished under this Conservative government. Once viewed as the last bastion of compassion and reason in a world of anger and turmoil, a country trusted for honesty and loyalty, one who would broker peace amongst rivals and provide a safe haven for the down trodden came to an end in 2006.

The treachery of this government actually began after the Mulroney era ended and Peter MacKay sold out the Progressive Conservatives to the Reform/Alliance coalition and they in turn concealed their identity under the veil of Conservative and painted themselves blue to fool the former Progressive Conservative base.

This treachery has manifested itself into hate advertisements, voting corruption in the form of misdirecting voters, a total lack of transparency, new laws to conceal and prevent the public and news agencies from obtaining information. Senate corruption is only a small part of the problem under these dictatorial MP's.

Politics in Canada was never without controversy but none has been this consistently disgusting. It is no wonder we have seen and heard of an increase in discontent amongst the younger generation. A feeling of defeatism amongst young voters and hopelessness amongst the unemployed.

It is little wonder the EU is fed up and annoyed with the Conservatives approach to negotiating a free trade deal after all they have slighted the Americans, sought deals with China and India all while lecturing the world on how to manage their banking system. The world knows they had nothing to do with the stability of the Canadian banking system, they inherited it, they had nothing to do with Canada's stable economy, they inherited it, they did however squander Canada's surplus while insisting Canada would not be affected by the world economic collapse..... and they were right even though they didn't have a clue what they were talking about..... why? Because they inherited a country that had been put on a stable base by the previous governments including the Progressive Conservatives of Brian Mulroney.

So what are their accomplishments.... increased jail terms (higher cost to Provinces) , abolished the gun registry, eliminated and reduced environmental requirements, introduced new laws to conceal information from the public, less transparency..... seriously people I am trying very hard to think of something of particular value that this government has done for the people but all that comes to mind are the superficial things that they feel will impress their oil based voters.

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