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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Give me Jim Prentice..... PLEASE

YES!  Dump Harper and his idiots Baird, Kenney, Clement, Ambrose, etc., etc. and nominate Jim Prentice.....

Seriously Canada we need a leader, someone who is capable of bringing the country out of its funk. In my humble opinion there is only one person, all other parties aside, that can do that, Jim Prentice is intelligent, charismatic and honest which is something Canada has been lacking since 2006.

Your Country Needs You
Jim is my man.... I know folks you think I am anti- conservative well sorry I am not.... I just don't like bullies and idiots..... Stephen Harper is the leader in both categories....
Jim is a leader.... Stephen is a dictator.... Jim has presence and instills confidence... Stephen instills fear and anger....
I don't know if Jim Prentice would return to politics but I do believe he would be the best man for Canada.

My biggest fear and it should be Canada's is that Canadian anger may elect an NDP government. 

If the Conservative base truly wants to remain in power they will "DUMP HARPER" but I truly believe that Conservatives lack the intestinal fortitude to do what is right for the Country since they are only have a self interest.

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