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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lying, cheating and breaking the law is OK if it is the Prime Ministers Office

"Bend the rules, you will be punished; break the law, you will be charged; abuse the public trust, you will go to prison," Harper warned in November 2005. 

"However this statement does not apply to criminal acts by Conservatives".

Mike Duffy cut a special deal with the PMO and Nigel Wright to pay off Senator Duffy's rip off of the Canadian taxpayers..... the Prime Minister approves of this illegal activity.

It makes one wonder how many other crooked deals are being made in the backroom of the Prime Ministers Office.

There should be a criminal investigation into the actions of the Prime Minister, Nigel Wright and Mike Duffy..... but no the ethics commissioner, who owes Stephen harper her job, is looking into the deal to see if there where breaches of ethics..... there are no ethics here... they broke the law and are laughing at the public.

Duffy stole from the Canadian people, Stephen Harper is responsible as the Prime Minister to ensure that the law is upheld and that no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, circumvents the law.

"The government believes that taxpayers should not be on the hook for improper expense claims made by Senators," Andrew MacDougall, director of communications for Prime Minister Harper said in an email, according to the newspaper.

"Mr. Duffy agreed to repay the expenses because it was the right thing to do. However, Mr. Duffy was unable to make a timely repayment.

"Mr. Wright therefore wrote a cheque from his personal account for the full amount owing so that Mr. Duffy could repay the outstanding amount."

The money is gift, according to the PMO, by Wright who was a high power executive on Bay Street before joining the prime minister's team in 2010.

The admission of involvement comes just a day after CTV News reported that Duffy made a deal with Wright for the money and for a promise from the government "to go easy on him."At one point, Duffy expected the PMO to cover all of the money he’d improperly claimed – more than $90,000.

 In a Feb. 20 email, Duffy said Wright worked out a “scenario” where all of his claimed living expenses would be covered, including “cash for the repayment.”

There is no crook like a Conservative crook
Where is Vic Toews in all this? Asleep, or paid off to look the other way? It seems he has neglected his duties entirely but then I am not surprised ...... HE NEVER DID THEM RIGHT
Stephen Harper is so obsessed with power that he is a very dangerous man and believes he and his team of gangsters are above the law.
This is not a SCANDAL it is outright CORRUPTION

Mike Duffy was one of 4 Senators out of 105 who did not understand the housing rules, will Nigel Wright pay off their debts to the Canadian people.... hell no ..... lets not forget that Pamela Wallen is the 4th Senator and is still under scrutiny...

What has happened here is nothing short of extortion by Mike Duffy to avoid public dissention.
No matter how you look at this scenario Mike Duffy committed a crime. When the PMO and Nigel Wright knowingly paid off Duffy's illegal act they became a part of a criminal act after the fact and have compromised themselves, the PMO and the Conservative Party.

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