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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shock on CBC Yesterday Morning

Shock on CBC Yesterday Morning

Oh Canada our home and native land
True patriot love in all our sons command
With glowing hearts we see thee rise
The true north strong and free
From far and wide oh Canada
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free
Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee
Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee.
Shock on CBC Yesterday Morning
This is NOT up for discussion.  If you do not like the content and have a comment start your own blog.

I bet the response came as a big surprise to CBC to the question :

Do you believe that the word God should stay in Canadian culture?

CBC yesterday morning had a poll on this question. They had the highest number of responses that they have ever had for one of their polls, and the percentage was the same as this:
86% to keep the words “ God Keep our Land” in the National Anthem 14% against

That is a pretty 'commanding' public response.
I was asked to send this on if I agreed or delete if I didn't ..

Now it is your turn.  It is said that 86% of Canadians believe the word  “God” should stay, therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a mess about having the word “God” in the anthem!
Why is the country catering to this 14%?
Thanks Ellen

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