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Monday, July 18, 2011

My Modified Long Distance Schwinn Electric Bike

Here is a picture of my highly modified Schwinn I-Zip.

The seat has been converted to a methane accumulator tank that feeds methane into the blue storage tank at the rear. The apparatus mounted on the storage tank is the methane generator that maintains a charge to the battery. This system provides the bike with long distance capability.

Fortunately I have a never ending reserve of methane gas to supply the accumulator. The biggest draw back is that nobody wants to follow me.......

Seriously, this is my Schwinn I-Zip (without the modifications of course) that I purchased two years ago and would ride it daily with the exception of heavy snow days. The first year I was able to ride right up into January. Here in Southwestern Ontario we don't get the heavy snowfall of areas east and west of us as well as to the north.

The bike has and continues to service me well. I use it when the scooter is on charge or for short trips to the mall to buy my lottery tickets.

Like a good number of seniors I did not plan on getting old nor did I anticipate all the aches and pains that would result from my lack of respect for my body when I was younger.

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