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Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Tuesday Morning Ride - Who Knew Burlington Had a Beach?

Whoa! I have lived in this beautiful city since 1987 and never visited the beach. That's right folks.... 24 years... I've been to Spencer Smith for all kinds of activities but never went to the "Beach".

Of course I have heard all the shenanigans that went on about the city forcing longtime residents out. And yes, I know it was leased land but the some of the land was owned by individual home owners....  fortunately for those owners they were able to win the war.

That being said, the city has done a fine job with the land they did acquire and, the home owners that remain..... they have done an equally amazing job with their properties .... I was fortunate to come across one home owner who allowed me to take the photo you will see within my pictures of the Tuesday ride ... beautiful job ..... and, by the way, none of these homes interfere with the beach nor would their destruction have enhanced the beauty of the trail.

"And don't you forget it"

"The walking/bike path"

"Trillium patch"

"NOT a Trillium Patch"

"Hard evidence of kids having fun"
"Where I buy my Camera's"

"On the Beach Trail"

"No, It's not the Bahama's" It is just Lake Ontario

"Is this a Goose or a Gander"?

"No Words are Necessary"

"Really, who needs a cottage"

"Ahh, the beach and a boat, what more do you need"?

"Guys do it", "Gals do it"

"Even doggies do it"

"Now really folks, would this house look better as a parking lot"???

"The hydro bridge" "Or is it a tunnel"?

" The waterway to Burlington Bay"

"Bet they don't need to raise the lift bridge for this couple"

"View of Burlington from the waterway"

"Radical man" "Far out" ... do today's kids still say that????

"The Lighthouse"

"The lift bridge and Skyway bridge"

"Where To go next"? Maybe I'll try Hamilton's trail next week

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