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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Morning Youngsters - How I Spent Moday Morning

Another scorching hot day.... thanks to our neighbors to the south.... see America it works both ways ... we freeze you and you fry us....

 The Original "Pig and Whistle"
now the rec centre for an active seniors home
 Petro Can's tanker unloading dock
 My morning goose salute
guess they don't want their picture on the blog
 The lucky few.. Lake side homes on Lake Ontario
 The break wall
 Wonderful spot to contemplate "the meaning of life"
 Tiger Lillies
 Way to go Alan and Margaret
 "NOT" Alan and Margaret
 AKA Spencer Smith Park (home of pierzilla)
 In memorium
 Boys doing what boys do on a hot day
 Thought I was going to have to jump in
Thank gawd Bob bobs like a life raft
 Getting up the courage
 "Yee Haw"... OK Boys where the hell are the lifeguards
 Tacking South
 Just one of the recreation ponds
 Name those flowers
Eglise St. Phillipe
A French Protestant Church in the Burlington core

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