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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

There is a concerted effort from the right to undermine the Canadian government

 Like America we have a right wing problem that is fueling discontent among the working class. Why? Fror two reasons, first because they are beholding to the wealthy, we see it everyday in third party ad's funded by corporations who are owed favours by the consevatives. Second, the conservatives trail in the polls, when you have no leader as they  are in the throws of a campaign to elect one.

When you have nothing to offer you resort to negative attacks rather than standing there and say "Hey, look what we are doing for you, for Canada and how we will put more money in your pocket while improving the economy.

That is a pipe dream though, All they will talk about is the deficit and how the present government believes that the budget will balance itself.... well folks it was on its way to doing just that until the epidemic hit making the next few years difficult. 

So ask yourself "do I want a government who will weather the storm with a positive view or do you want a party of doom and gloom, one that tells you tales like a Trump University grad"?

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