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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act

Canadian Human Rights
The Harper government rolled back longstanding human rights protections in Canada by repealing section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA). ... Despite the clear guidance from the Supreme Court, the federal government went ahead and repealed section 13 anyway.
Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act slipped quietly beneath the waves during a night-time sitting of the House of Commons. Brian Storseth, Conservative MP for Westlock-St. Paul, was the author of the bill to repeal Section 13.
Justice Minister Rob Nicholson and Prime Minister Stephen Harper had voiced support for the legislation. The result, then, was never in doubt: at 9:35 p.m. on June 6, by a vote of 153-136, Parliament got Canada’s human rights bureaucrats out of the business of policing speech on the Internet.
“It leaves a huge gap,”says Darren Lund, a University of Calgary professor and human rights activist. “There are so many hate sites right now on the Internet, and I think some reasonable monitoring of the hatred they’re spewing fits with the Canadian ethos of living harmoniously in a democracy.”
Thirteen years later, we have the destructive energy of hate and fear overwhelming our country. Healthy citizen’s had no idea that our fellow citizens were being mentally conditioned in the same manner that the KKK conditions their members. Had no idea that material’s that ISIS uses to condition an individual to the point that they would volunteer to commit mass murder and suicide, were being used to make our fellow citizen’s just as ill.
The reason that healthy citizen’s were unaware of this is because they don’t ruin or waste their own lives by indulging the ill intentions of others who wish to infect us. As a Canadian I believed that every Canadian was just as strong and as intelligent as myself. That no Canadian could be mind controlled. How wrong I was.
Every individual that chooses to run a hate site, is an ill individual in one way or another. A psycho who wishes to destroy lives, a dictator that wants control of people, a self-serving individual who just wants to make riches regardless of who he/she is infecting. The politician that has no intention of serving their country or it’s citizens in the positive, who only has the intention of joining the 1% of wealthy people. These are people who only care about one thing: themselves. That’s it. They don’t love their spouse or children, because that individual is making their spouse and children just as ill. Ruining their lives right in the safety of their own home.
Take Ezra Levant for example...where is he when one of the people he’s infected commits a crime and ends up in prison, or dead? Does he mourn the criminal he made? Does he send flowers to the dead criminal’s funeral? Visits them in prison? Does Steve Bannon? Marshall Hamish? Andrew Scheer? Candice Bergen? Pierre Poilievre? Michelle Rempel? Maxime Bernier? Jason Kenney? Doug Ford?
Stephen Harper is now a rich man. He travels to visit multi-billionaires, and men of power (dictators). Stephen Harper made you ill, while you made him rich. Andrew Scheer is rich as well, thanks to us. Take a look at his face book really should be closed as a “hate and fear” site. Pierre Poilievre is a rich man who truly isn’t in government to serve his country or it’s people. Jason Kenney is rich as well, and he too will be a disservice to our country. How about Doug Ford...why does he want to destroy Ontario, when he and his family live in Ontario?
The reason I’m addressing this today, is because I was on a Regina, Saskatchewan community page the other day, and the incredible illness on that page screams for intervention. Comments such as, “Canada shouldn’t allow those of barbaric cultures into our country”. Anyone who gets to live in Canada has to embrace and live by Canada’s laws, vision and values. That doesn’t mean that they don’t get to live and follow their culture, it just means that any acts deemed criminal would not be tolerated in Canada. If committed and they yet to achieve citizenship, they would be deported. If committed when they are a Canadian citizen, they would face the penalty just like the rest of us.
This energy of hate and fear has been used by men of ill intentions throughout history. Remember what hate, fear and ignorance did to our Lord Jesus. When countries were established, war ensued because those “who want it all for themselves” caused it. They used hate and fear to infect people to risk their lives ever since.

We need to get Section 13 back into our charter, and ensure that it is locked in so that no politician of ill intentions could ever repeal it again. Granted there will be those that will scream its against their rights, but I’m going to remind everyone, that no one in Canada ever had the right to make others ill. The only ones that will balk at the implementation of Section 13, are the ones that need to infect people for their own gain.
As for divisiveness, this separation of citizen’s is as a result of those who are mentally conditioned to hate and fear everyone, and are rejected by the citizen’s who will not indulge such an illness. This KKK mentality in Canada does not belong, because the only way the KKK continues to exist is from hate and fear, the two energies that cause wars. So understand, without hate or fear, the KKK would not exist, so they will always have to have something or someone to hate. Do you really want to give up your life to their cause?
If you answered yes to the last question, please accept my right to not let you make me ill.

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