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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Twas the week before Christmas on Parliament Hill

'Twas the week before Christmas and Canadians were keen,
To witness a parliamentary nativity scene.

There are lots of bad actors in this political fray,
So I took up the task of casting this play.

The Prime Minister thought there may be a chance,
But said, “First let me check with the boys in short pants”.

The kids all agreed, “All our ministers are in”,
But when you look at the lineup, the talent's quite thin.

I said, “Not to be mean or even unkind,
But I don't think three wise men will be easy to find”.

And the gifts they would bear, frankincense, myrrh, and gold,
Will take 50 years to deliver, I'm told.

I then got an email from the PMO lads,
“We're going to promote it with action plan ads”.

So Joseph was a carpenter, a fixer of note,
Our honourable Speaker would garner my vote.

The cranky innkeeper who showed little heart,
The government House leader might like that part.

The good shepherd should be played by a brave and strong voice,
Our Sergeant-at-Arms is the obvious choice.

But who'll play the Saviour, God's only son?
How 'bout someone born Christmas Day, 1971.

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