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Friday, December 19, 2014

Beavis and Butt Head promote multi-round attack weapons as being toys for young boys

Santa Gives Child An AR-15 Rifle In Latest Ad From Canada's Gun Lobby

Canada's answer to the NRA is celebrating Christmas this year with an ad that features Santa giving a child the same weapon used in the Sandy Hook school shooting.

The image has been shared this week from the National Firearms Association's Facebook page and by its executive vice president Shawn Bevins on Twitter.


Comment by the blog administrator......

The NFA, NRA, Republicans and now the Conservative Party of Canada are trying to convince the general population that the AR-15 is a defensive weapon.

If you believe them then please check in to the nearest psychiatric ward..... you need help.

The AR-15 was designed as an attack weapon and has NEVER been used as a defensive weapon on North American soil. It has, however, been used as an attack weapon around the World.

I am not adverse to gun ownership nor to the sale of the AR-15 as a target and obstacle toy for big boys. I am against lies and the indiscriminate promotion of a weapon that is dangerous to the public when put in the hands of the wrong person.

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