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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Listen up Canada

Harper hears you. Now shut up.

What if your parents used your allowance to convince you that you really wanted Brussels sprouts for dinner, not a fruit salad?

Turns out that’s what the Harper government has been doing to Canadians for years. While Canadians have been polled and focused-grouped ad nauseum on their policy priorities — which, consistently, are health care, education, the environment, pensions and veterans — they’ve instead been fed a steady diet of made-in-Alberta priorities: skills development, Employment Insurance reform, temporary foreign workers and plenty of pipelines.

Oh, and let’s not forget the great cell phone competition boondoggle — where millions were spent to convince us of how much we loathe our cell phone carriers, rather than on actually doing anything about their so-called ‘anti-competitive’ ways.

No one is suggesting keeping the oil industry well-greased isn’t important to all Canadians, or that a government — any government — doesn’t need to make keeping its economy in good working order. Like it or not, Canada is a petro state first and foremost … but not only. But for citizens to consent to be governed, there needs to be a sense that government understands their priorities and will focus on them.


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