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Friday, March 28, 2014

Maclean interview on SCC decision

Supreme Court of Canada rejects Harper appointment

“It is an instant landmark ruling, a classic ruling,” says a law professor of the decision’s broad implications

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s controversial bid to appoint Marc Nadon, a semi-retired Federal Court of Appeal judge, to the Supreme Court of Canada was rejected this morning by the court itself. But, more than that, the court used the ruling to set down strict new constitutional rules for how any government could change the court in the future.

University of Ottawa law professor Adam Dodek, an expert on the Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin’s court and author of The Canadian Constitution, watched the Nadon case closely. He spoke with me this morning about the decision and its broad implications.

Read more:

My point of view:

All Canadians regardless of their political allegiance should be offended by the CPC’s response to the SCOC rejection of Nadon as a judge for the Supreme Court.

In their response the Harper government states in part “We are genuinely surprised….”.

First of all the word “genuinely” denotes some form of sincerity… This government is neither “genuine” nor “sincere”.

They go on to say that the three (3) scholars and lawyers that they sought advice from found no problem with the appointment.

If they were truly being genuine in their response and if they had sought, and received advice telling them the appointment was valid then why……. WHY did they introduce a law, concealed in an omnibus bill that was an attempt to override the Canadian Constitution?

Ask yourself Canada where is the genuineness in the actions of the Harper government????


 And for your information your tax dollars were not only spent and wasted on this debacle but Nadon was paid as an SCOC judge during the Harper failure to succeed...

Jordan Press @jordan_press 7m
For those wondering, Nadon received a salary from moment he was appointed. SCC salary kicked in Oct. 3 until today. 1/2

Jordan Press @jordan_press 5m
Rough estimate: Nadon received $146K. (Annual salary = $351,700/12 months=$29K/mo.; $29K x 5 months = $146,541,67) 2/2

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