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Monday, March 11, 2013

Old photos

I was at my brothers place yesterday. (very rare LOL) We were looking at his old pictures collectiion from way back when. Funny I didn't get any of them when my parents passed away. Anyway he is lending me some albums to scan.
My Grandfather Cecil Rhoades had a machinery company back in ?? the 20's after he was headmaster at Stanstead College where he had his first job when they migrated to Canada. Brother tells me that he was looking at the Welland Canal project back then.
Im attaching some pictures that I scanned from that era. I'll send more of interest when I get my hands on other stuff. There are loads of old pictures from St-Lambert abd Ville Lemoyne where we first lived.
Regards ,

Thanks Ivan thats great

Thanks Ivan.... what interests me most about the above photo of the Welland canal is that family rumor has it that my great grandfather Charles H. Taylor designed the hydraulis.


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