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Friday, February 22, 2013

Prison overcrowding a possibility

Surprise, surprise .... pundits are predicting that our prisons will be overcrowded. Really.

Only a Conservative would believe that this was an untruth, only a Conservative would believe that it will not increase costs.

Two of Canada’s most notorious serial killers will be getting new addresses in Quebec, according to a report that hints prison overcrowding could soon become a larger issue.

An official source told QMI Agency that Russell Williams was moved from Kingston Penitentiary to Quebec’s Port-Cartier Institution on Tuesday, while Paul Bernardo is expected to make the same move soon.
Let us not forget that it is the religious bigots of Canada that this government pandered to before cloaking themselves in Progressive Conservative "Blue" and posed as false Tories.
Yes fellow Canadians these bigots are not true Conservatives they are "Tea Party Conservatives" interested only in cannibalizing everything that the working class has come to expect and deserve from their federal government.

Kingston Penitentiary, long the centerpiece of Canada’s maximum security prison system, was among several institutions slated for closure last year.

The century-old prison and an adjacent psychiatric assessment centre, as well as a medium-security institution in Laval, Que., were said to be outdated and no longer fit to house inmates. Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said in April they would need to find new homes for about 1,000 inmates before the facilities close their doors.

At the time, the Union of Canadian Correctional Officers expressed concern that the Kingston closure would lead to overcrowding and double bunking at other facilities.

"Double bunking represents a very real danger for our correctional officers," UCCO Ontario president Jason Godin said. "Every time they open the door of a cell with two inmates, they are exposed to more attacks and greater violence."

Come on folks, who really cares. These people are a waste of society.... bullshit ..... if that were true we would not have limited terms of incarceration. Yes my fellow citizens there is, and always has been, hope of rehabilitation.... until the Conservatives

This "Tea Party Conservative Government" does not believe in rehabilitation only in incarceration.... it is your tax dollar they are squandering

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