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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday's Vehicle - Lenny Rolls, Loops, and Spins in a 1940's Clipped Wing Piper Cub

Senators on the run....

Yes fellow Canadians our nominated Senators are on the run trying to distance themselves from themselves.

If it weren't so serious it would be laughable.

The problem is these people have committed criminal acts but because of our constitution they are above the law.

It is not just Senate reform but constitutional reform that is required here. In my opinion Senators should continue to be nominated, not by the Prime Minister, by the Province they represent. They should take an oath, not to the monarchy, to Canada and to the citizens of Canada. The oath should include honesty and integrity and they should be subject to criminal prosecution for failure to abide by the law.

I don't give a damn about term limits however if they fail to do their job, are absent from the house or as any employee of a company are called on the carpet for performance issues then they may be removed from office.

Stephen Harper wants an elected senate... why??? Because he wants the same disorganization that we see in America. Is that what you really want Canada?

Senators nominated by the Province, to serve the Provincial interest, would mean that Canadians would have a voice, Provinces could be heard and they would have to work together for the betterment of the people rather than do a political parties bidding.

Stephen Harper has, in his inimitable stupid way, turner the Canadian Senate into a corrupt servant of the conservatives. Something he campaigned against.

Alleged Bazeau tweet

A friend downtown just sent this alleged senator Brazeau tweet.
I note that he, Brazeau, didn't bother to check the text before publishing it.
It should have been some version of the following I imagine.
Inappropriate in the extreme in his situation in any event

Fight on my men,
A little I'm hurt,
but yet not slain;
I'll but lie down and bleed awhile,
And then I'll rise and fight again.
--Ballad of Sir Andrew Barton
Thanks Ed

Lunch at the OLF by Aislin

Thanks John McC

Bill 14

Please sign this petition opposing Bill 14's oppressive amendments to the Charter of the French Language. And remember that you need to click on the link in the email they send you once you've filled out the form in order to confirm your signature.
Please pass this link along to others.
Thanks Randy

Sad News


In Memory of

Allain-Spence, Monique
(March 26, 1939 – February 20, 2013)

ALLAIN-SPENCE, Monique, March 26, 1939 – February 20, 2013

Allain-Spence, Monique
On February 20th, 2013 at 10:55pm, Marie Monique Rolande Allain, aged 73, passed away after a courageous and lengthy battle with cancer. Her last days were shared with family by her bedside at the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital. Monique was born on March 26, 1939, in Montreal, Quebec, the daughter of the late Hervé Allain and Lucienne Lefebvre.
Cherished wife of Harold Spence and adored mother of Rodney and Raymond. A loving and special grandmother to Brandon, Ryan and Sofia. Survived by her loving sister and brothers, Colette, Robert and the late Richard. Also fondly remembered and loved by all members of the Allain and Spence families, their extended families, as well as her countless friends.
Monique was an incredibly loving, compassionate and warm human being; her love showed no boundaries. These special qualities resounded in the hearts of everybody that came in contact with her... she was an angel amongst us. She loved life to the fullest and made us all see how sacred and beautiful it was, no matter what the circumstances, good or bad. She will be dearly missed by one and all but because of her impact and legacy...never forgotten. May she now rest peacefully in heaven and remain forever in our hearts.
In honour of Monique, if desired, please donate to the Canadian Cancer Society in the hope that we can help others survive and beat this terrible disease.
Cremation has taken place. Please join us in a communal celebration of Monique's life on Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 at BAY GARDENS FUNERAL HOME, 1010 Botanical Drive (across from Bayview Cemetery, Crematory & Mausoleum), BURLINGTON (905.527.0405 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 905.527.0405 end_of_the_skype_highlighting). Visitation will be held at 1pm, followed by funeral service in the Bay Gardens Chapel at 2pm.
God Bless.
- See more at:

Russian Jet-- Read before viewing...UNBELIEVABLE]

The red smoke coming from the wingtips is only there to demonstrate to
spectators on the ground the direction the plane is actually moving
through the air. Normally the smoke wouldn't be there. When the
smoke is streaming behind, the airplane is moving fast forward etc.
When the airplane is engulfed in smoke, it means the airplane is
almost stopped in mid-air. The maneuverability of this plane is
incredible. This plane would be nearly
impossible to defeat in a dogfight.
Russia may now have the #1 fighter plane in the world...
SU-30- Vectored Thrust with Canards... As you watch this airplane,
look at the canards moving along side of, and just below the canopy
rail. The "canards" are the small wings forward of the main wings.
The smoke and contrails provide a sense of the actual flight
path, sometimes in reverse direction. This video is of an
in-flight demonstration flown by the Russian's-30MK fighter aircraft.
The fighter can stall from high speed, stopping forward motion in
seconds. (full stall).
Then it demonstrates an ability to descend tail first without
causing a compressor stall.
It can also recover from a flat spin in less than a minute.
These maneuver capabilities don't exist in any other aircraft
in the world today..
Take a look at the video with the sound up.. This aircraft is
of concern to U.S and NATO planners.
We don't know which nations will soon be flying the SU-30MK,
hopefully China isn't one of them..
Friends worked with advanced aircraft flight control systems
and concepts for many years as an extension of stability control and
means of control. Canards and vectored thrust were among many
concepts examined to extend our fighter aircraft performance.
Neither our current or next generation aircraft now poised for
funding & production can in any way match the performance of this
Russian aircraft Somehow the bankrupt Russian aircraft industry has out
produced our complex politically tainted aerospace industry with this
technology marvel.Scratch any ideas of close in air-to-air combat with this
aircraft in the future.

Thanks Richard .... of course you do realize this is the aircraft Stephen Harper wants the F-35 albatross to compete against? The F-35 is an air to ground attack craft design to protect troops on the ground and not for air to air combat.

Why I don't drive

Why I don't like to drive at night.
I haven't liked driving at night for years now. Too many drunks and
weirdoes' out at night that can cause you harm in some form or another.
For example:
In Mississauga over the weekend, Police spotted a naked man in a
tow truck. He was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled
substance. What about being naked ??
In the second case, within the hour, Police received a call about an erratic
driver. He too, was completely naked. He was charged with impaired driving
What about being naked ??
The lesson here........For God's sake....don't drink, snort or shoot-up
while driving naked !!  and make sure you have tinted windows !!

Thanks Joe.... I was at the mall today and in front of me at the cash was a senior gentleman who could not remember his PIN number yet he walked out with his walker and got into his car and drove away. And people think I am a crazy old senior when I show up on my scooter..... F#@% em all.

How to handle interruptions

Thanks Kerry

Road Tax

Thanks Kerry .... Pat's cousin in Ohio has worked on the National Committee for bridge and road maintenance for years now and we constantly hear how frustrated he is by the governments inaction

RAAF F-111 Belly Landing.... Handy Things those tail hooks...

Real Top Guns RAAF F-111 Belly Landing
If you're into special airplanes even a little, here is a video I’m sure you’ll enjoy if you haven't seen it. These guys do a remarkable job getting their aircraft back on the ground with a minimal amount of damage. It could have very easily gone the other way. Also, notice early in the video there is a sequence showing a F-111 dumping fuel with the afterburners on lighting up the night sky. Something a little unique to the F-111.
The Australians flew the F-111 a lot longer than our Air Force. The airplane was originally designed to land on a carrier deck so the gear structure is very strong. Even landing on a long runway you just maintain 10 degrees angle of attack until the runway stops your descent. Because this is the way the airplane was designed to be landed it felt just fine inside the airplane, but for an observer outside the aircraft it looked like you forgot to flare and really clobbered the landing. I don't know if metal fatigue was a factor in this accident but they are fortunate the wheel fell off upon liftoff and not while accelerating down the runway in full afterburner. Using the tail hook to catch the arresting cable was a great idea, as you will see. Arresting wires on runways are not like the ones on the flight deck of a carrier. They provide less resistance and let you decelerate over about a 900 ft. range, something you wouldn't have room to do on a carrier. Real Top Guns F-111 Belly Landing

Thanks Randy

Le Parc Belmont 1923-1983

Souvenir de ce fameux Parc Belmont, déjà 30 ans qu' il est fermé.
Il était situé dans le quartier Cartierville, sur le boulevard Gouin,
au coin du boulevard Lachapelle, qui est devenu le boulevard
Marcel Laurin. Que de beaux souvenirs pour les plus vieux.
Bonne journée!
Thanks Millie



A few choice Dave Feherty quotes are below. If you watch golf on TV he's often an announcer. Has a distinct N.. Ireland accent and a colorful way of putting things, just as below.

Feherty is a CBS and Golf Channel announcer who finds very unique, colorful and uninhibited ways of explaining or describing whatever is on his mind.... probably always on time delay these days.

Feherty Quotes:

"Fortunately, Rory is 22 years old so his right wrist should be the strongest muscle in his body."

"That ball is so far left, Lassie couldn't find it if it was wrapped in bacon."

"I am sorry Nick Faldo couldn't be here this week. He is attending the birth of his next wife."

"They don't do comedy at the Masters. The Masters, for me, is like holding onto a really big collection of gas for a week. It's like having my buttocks surgically clenched at Augusta General Hospital on Wednesday, and surgically unclenched on Monday on the way to Hilton Head."

Jim Furyk's swing "looks like an octopus falling out of a tree."

"He's (Luke Donald) a bloody walking ATM. I slid my AmEx between the cheeks of his ass and out popped $500."

Describing VJ Singh's prodigious practice regime - "VJ hits more balls than Elton John's chin."

"That's a great shot with that swing."

"It's OK - the bunker stopped it."\\\
Thanks John G.... so whats your point ?
At Augusta 2011 - "It's just a glorious day. The only way to ruin a day like this would be to play golf on it."

"That was a great shot - if they'd have put the pin there today."

"Everything moves except his bowels."

"Watching Phil Mickelson play golf is like watching a drunk chasing a balloon near the edge of a cliff."

"That green appears smaller than a Pygmie's nipple".

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday's Vehicle - 1967 Datsun Fairlady 2000

A darker shade of transparency

It seems that just as I find someone within the Conservatives that I respect, they let me down. Pamela Wallin, an extremely likable and knowledgable Senator quietly paid back the money she bilked from taxpayers.

Yes fellow Canadians, when caught with her hand in your wallet Pamela Wallin not only returned an unknown amount of your tax dollars but she failed to apologize to the people she took advantage of.... the Canadian taxpayer.

I would still respect her had she made a public announcement with some form of explanation, not a Duffy style apology, but one with some sincerity. The only thing one can assume is that she knew she was wrong and the only thing she was sorry for was the fact she got caught with her hand in our wallets.

Mike Duffy, on the other hand, in typical Conservative style decided to taunt and ridicule the media. Then he tried to say he stayed in another home in town in PEI, then paid back the money insisting he didn't feel he should have to. A backhanded slap at taxpayers.

And here I was under the impression that since Stephen Harper ran on a platform of transparency that things in Canada would improve. Silly me, Canada is ranked 55th in the World in a study of Canada's Access to Information Act,

The Centre for Law and Democracy used a 61-point tool to measure Canada's legislation against that of other countries, in co-operation with Madrid-based Access Info Europe.

Canada's standing in September 2011 was 40th of 89 countries, fell to 51st in June last year, then to 55th of 93 countries last September, behind Mongolia and Colombia.

"While standards around the world have advanced, Canada's access laws have stagnated and sometimes even regressed," the centre concluded, noting Canada was a world leader in 1983 when its federal information law came into force.

The research won praise from Canada's information commissioner, Suzanne Legault, who said "the analysis that this group has done is going to be a really useful tool" in her own investigation into freedom-of-information issues.

Canadian apathy has given our politicians permission to abuse the people and to conceal their actions. Shame on us.


Canadian Taxpayers are "NOT" Entitled

Silencing the scienists - a threat to Democracy

Federal scientists have uncovered evidence that contaminants wafting out of Alberta's oilsands operations are collecting on the bottom of remote lakes up to 100 kilometres away.

The chemical "legacy" in the lake sediments indicates that oilsands pollution is travelling further than expected and has been for decades.

"The footprint of the deposition is potentially larger than we might have anticipated," says Derek Muir, a senior Environment Canada scientist, who will present the findings Wednesday at an international toxicology conference in the U.S. where the oilsands are a hot topic.

A team led by federal scientist Jane Kirk, also of Environment Canada, will report that snow within 50 kilometres of oilsands operations is contaminated with a long list of "priority pollutants" including a neurotoxin that "bioaccumulates" in food webs.

Read more:

Yes fellow Canadians your Harper Government tried to bury this report and hopes that if they remain silent, the World will forget ..... I hope not.

Federal Information Commissioner Suzanne Legault is being asked to formally investigate the way the Harper government has been “muzzling” and restricting access to federal scientists.

The request, accompanied with a report on the government’s “systematic efforts” to obstruct access to researchers, was made jointly on Wednesday by the Environmental Law Centre at the University of Victoria and Democracy Watch, a national non-profit group.


Greenfield Park Corner

Rita Hayworth & THE BEE GEES

This is outstanding..... Somebody had a lot of fun with this. Most of the people in the video were deceased before the Bee Gees recorded “Stayin’ Alive.” Whether you are a Bee Gees or Rita Hayworth fan or are going to like this. A great job of putting clips together with the music. It is a great marriage of 40's dancing and late 70's music.

Another Amazing Trick from Criss Angel.

The coffee mug illusion. This guy is good!!

Thanks John G

Canadian, eh!

After the North American Beer Festival, all the brewery presidents decided to go out for a beer. The guy from Corona sits down and says, 'Hey Senor, I would like the world's best beer, a Corona .' The bartender dusts off a bottle from the shelf and gives it to him.

The guy from Budweiser says, 'I'd like the best beer in the world,
give me 'The King Of Beers', a Budweiser.' The bartender gives him one.

The guy from Coors says, 'I'd like the only beer made with Rocky Mountain spring water, give me a Coors.' He gets it.

The guy from Molson Canadian sits down and says, 'Give me a Coke.'
The bartender is a little taken aback, but gives him what he ordered.

The other brewery presidents look over at him and ask,
'Why aren't you drinking a Molson's?'

The Molson Canadian president replies,
'Well, I figured if you guys aren't drinking beer, neither would I.'

A Canadian is walking down the street with a case of beer under his arm.
His friend Doug stops him and asks, 'Hey Bob! Whacha get the case of beer for?'

'I got it for my wife, eh.' answers Bob.
'Oh!' exclaims Doug, 'Good trade.'

An Ontarian wanted to become a Newfie. He went to the neurosurgeon and asked,
'Is there anything you can do to me that would make me into a Newfie?'

'Sure it's easy,' replied the neurosurgeon. 'All I have to do is cut out 1/3 of your brain,
and you'll be a Newfie.'

He was very pleased, and immediately underwent the operation. However, the neurosurgeon's knife slipped, and instead of cutting 1/3 of the patient's brain, the surgeon accidentally cut out 2/3 of the patient's brain.

He was terribly remorseful, and waited impatiently beside the patient's bed as the patient recovered from the anesthetic. As soon as the patient was conscious, the neurosurgeon said to him, 'I'm terribly sorry, but there was a ghastly accident. Instead of cutting out 1/3 of your brain, I accidentally cut out 2/3 of your brain.'
The patient replied, 'Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit, monsieur?'

Did you hear about the war between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia ?

The Newfies were lobbing hand grenades; the Nova Scotians were pulling the pins and throwing them back.


In Canada, we have two seasons... six months of winter and six months of poor snowmobiling.

One day an Englishman, an American, and a Canadian walked into a pub together.
They proceeded to each buy a pint of Labatt Blue. Just as they were about to enjoy their beverages, three flies landed in their pints.

The Englishman pushed his beer away from him in disgust. The American fished the offending fly out of his beer and continued drinking it as if nothing happened.
The Canadian picked the fly out of his drink and started shaking it over the pint, yelling,
Rumor has it that the Canadian was of Scottish descent.

A Quebecer, staying in a hotel in Edmonton phoned room service for some pepper.
'Black pepper, or white pepper?' asked the concierge.
'Toilette pepper!' yelled the Quebecer.

Thanks Penny


A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl. Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well.
One day he rushed into a lawyer's office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him.
The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances, and asked him the following questions:

Have you any grounds?
Yes, an acre and half and nice little home.

No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
It made of concrete.

I dont think you understand.

Does either of you have a real grudge?
No, we have carport, and not need one.

I mean what are your relations like?
All my relations still in Poland .

Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player.

Does your wife beat you up?
No, I always up before her.
Why do you want this divorce?
She going to kill me.

What makes you think that?
I got proof.

What kind of proof?
She going to poison me.

She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom.
I can read English pretty good, and it say:

Thanks Randy

Love this

Thanks Sylvia

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday's Vehicle - 1950 Chevy Fleetline Cruizin' in Texas

Harper defends Minister Finley's gestapo style tactics

While Stephen Harper defends Minister Finley's intimidation of seasonal workers thousands across Canada rally against EI reform.

I have said it before and I will say it again these 'Tea Party" idiots are out of touch with the real world.

How does a fisheries worker or a lumber worker find alternative employment in a depressed area where most or all part time work is taken. Really fellow Canadians do these Conservative idiots really expect local companies to layoff a part time employee to engage a part time employee?

You talk about being out of touch with the pulse of Canada .... and I thought the NDP had filled their roster with unqualified people .... the Conservative Reform Alliance Party is far worse.

And to exasperate the problem of civil servants from EI knocking on doors each of them has a quota of $485,000 dollars per year to meet in fraudulent EI abusers. It raises an ugly probability that should one civil servant be running short of their quota .... will some poor needy EI recipient be railroaded?

Finley told Mulcair that EI investigators do have performance objectives but she says there's a big difference between targets and quotas.

Ditsy Diane can call it what she wants but when one must meet a dollar amount or a performance objective ..... it is a quota.

Become a Conservative MP or Senator and guarantee a pension

The Conservatives continually try to tell Canadians that their "Action Plan" is working unfortunately it is not. The job market has gone from full time employment to a part time market where workers do no get benefits....

Canadians angry over Action Plan advertisements during the Oscars

The ads are intended to promote the Conservatives however the lack of success of the Action Plan and the cost to taxpayers has hit a sore spot for Canadians.

The McMaster University-United Way Toronto study finds that four in 10 workers are trapped in or partly feeling the effects of so-called precarious employment, while the rest hold on to better permanent jobs.

And it says the rate of precarious labourers in jobs such as temporary or contract work has jumped by almost 50 per cent in the last two decades.

The research says such workers tend to have fluctuating weekly incomes, lack funds to cover unexpected costs and see their work schedules change with little notice.

It finds that precarious work doesn't only just impact lower income earners, but middle class households as well.

Tea Party Conservatives would rather hold down the middle and low income earners to the benefit of industry.

Then the simpletons like Flaherty tell Canadians that they are not saving enough toward their pensions...... how the hell do they expect these people to do that..... become a Senator? or a Conservative Minister?

Taking unfair advantage of taxpayers

I like Pamela Wallin however she is and has been taking unfair advantage of Canadian taxpayers. She holds an Ontario health card but claims residency in Saskatchewan and uses tax payer dollars to travel to her home in both Toronto Ontario and Wadena Saskatchewan.

Wallin’s travel expenses — $350,000 over a two-year period — are being scrutinized by independent auditors. But Wallin is also facing questions regarding whether she resides in the province she represents in the upper chamber, as required by law.

Wallin, who also owns a condo in Toronto and an apartment in New York City, has previously said she complies with the constitutional requirements to serve as a senator for Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan is my home and I have owned property there for many years. I work hard in Saskatchewan, in Ottawa and across this country to fulfill my duties as a senator,” Wallin said in a statement to the Star earlier this month.

As far as I am aware no one has questioned any of the Senators constitutional right to serve their home province.... it is their primary place of residence and their expenses that are under scrutiny. Claiming a secondary property as your primary place of residency, and receiving taxpayer dollars, is just plain wrong.

The question is, should she require medical assistance would she be taking unfair advantage of Ontario taxpayers rather than her home province of Saskatchewan?

According to Mike Duffy he sees nothing wrong in taking advantage of Ontario Health Care while trying to claim P.E.I. as his principal residence.

If any of us riffraff were to double dip as these Senators have been doing CRA would chase us down.

Wallin claims she works hard fulfilling her duties as a Senator and I am sure she does although I hope that in her travels she is not promoting the party.

Playmate of the year

Thanks Ralph

All new snowmobile for 2014 model year

Thanks Randy


A SPANISH Teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike
English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.
'House' for instance, is feminine: 'la Casa.'
'Pencil,' however, is masculine: 'el lapiz.'
A student asked, 'What gender is 'computer'?'

Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two
groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves
whether computer' should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group
was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.

The men's group decided that 'computer' should definitely be of the
feminine gender ('la computadora'), because:
1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;
2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is
incomprehensible to everyone else;
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for
possible later retrieval; and
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending
half your paycheck on accessories for it.

The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be
Masculine ('el computador'), because:

1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time
they ARE the problem; and
4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a
little longer, you could have gotten a better model.

Thanks Ralph

Elijah and Rachel get Tricked

Thanks Sylvia

Alberta Oil Sands-Big Toy Stuff

This is what the equipment is like in Fort McMurray.. Alberta
The Largest Construction Vehicles In The World
The Largest Excavator - Terex RH 400
The Terex RH400 - the worlds largest hydraulic shovel - weighs 1078 Tons with a shovel capacity of 94 tons in a single scoop. The RH400 has the working ability to scoop up around 9900 tons of material every hour which is a world record for a vehicle of this type.
The Terex RH400 price tag is 11 Million Dollars.

The Largest Haul Truck - The Liebherr T282
The Liebherr T 282B is an off-highway, ultra class, rigid frame, two-axle, diesel/electric, AC powertrain haul truck designed and manufactured in USA . It's offering one of the largest haul truck payload capacities in the world, up to 400 short tons (363 t).
Biggest Earth Mover - LeTourneau L-2350
Designed to center-load haul trucks with capacities of up to 400 tons, the L-2350 provides an operating payload of 160,000 pounds, a 24-foot lift height, and an 11.5-foot reach.
Operational weight 258 tons
2300 Horsepower
16 Cylinder 65.0 Liters Detroit Diesel Turbocharged Aftercooler Engine
Hydraulic lifting payload 72 tons
Standard Bucket 40,52 m
FuelTank 3974.68 Litres
Hydraulic Oil 1230 Litres
Tires 70/70-57 SRG DT ( diameter 4 m and width 1.78 m)

The Largest Bulldozer - Komatsu D575A-3SD
The biggest dozer in the series is the "Superdozer" called the D-575A-3. The Komatsu superdozer is powered by a turbo-loaded, drawer-air-cooled 12 cylinder diesel with the code name SA12V170E. This motor which develops a performance range of 1150 HP has the capacity equal to the tank-content of a medium-range car with 1800 r.p.m.
The awesome performance of this mighty engine and tremendous motor-torque allow this superdozer enormous feats of pushing strength of over 485,000 lb.. The colossal blade, which is carried majestically by the D-575A-3, has a capacity of unbeatable 90 yd^3 which allows it to push 348,000 lb of overburden effortlessly.

The Largest Mobile Crane - Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1
The LTM 11200-9.1 is the strongest telescopic crane on the market and has the longest telescopic boom in the world. The eight-part boom is fully automatically extended to and fixed at the desired length. In addition, various lattice extensions are available.
The Y-shaped telescopic-boom guying system offers remarkable increases in load capacity.

The Largest Demolition Shear -
Rusch Triple 34-25 with Genesis 2500 Demolition Shear is a destruction machine with King Kong force.
The Largest Bucket - Wheel Excavator - Bagger 288
The Bagger 288 was built for the job of removing overburden prior to coal mining in Tagebau Hambach , Germany .. It can excavate 240,000 tons of coal or 240,000 cubic metres of overburden daily the equivalent of a soccer field dug to 98 ft deep.
The coal produced in one day fills 2400 coal wagons. The excavator is up to 721 ft long and approximately 315 ft high. The Bagger's operation requires 16.56 megawatts of externally supplied electricity. It can travel 6.6 to 33 ft per minute (0.1 to 0.6 km/h).

Enbridge's Enforcer to snuff out Northern Gateway pipeline protesters.
Thanks Richard

Wakeboarding with dolphins

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday's Vehicle - WW2 German Messerschmitt Bf 109 (ME-109) Fighter Plane

Is silencing federal scientists against the law

If not against the law it is definitely unscrupulous. But it is what we have come to expect from Stephen Harper and his Dictatorship style of government.

Taxpayers are the ones that finance the work of federal employees therefore it is the taxpayer that has the right to see the results of their studies and evaluate the work performed .

The Information Commissioner of Canada is being asked to investigate whether "federal government policy forcing scientists to jump through hoops before speaking with the media" breaches the Access to Information Act.
The request was made as part of a complaint filed Wednesday by Democracy Watch, a non-profit organization that advocates for government accountability, and the University of Victoria’s Environmental Law Clinic.

"In sharp contrast to past Canadian practice and current U.S. Government practice, the federal government has recently made efforts to prevent the media and the general public from speaking to government scientists,” said Tyler Sommers, coordinator of Democracy Watch, in a statement.
He noted that the scientists conduct research that is paid for by taxpayers who therefore have a right to learn the results.

If the Harper government is not redacting documents to hide the truth from Canadians they are concealing facts on taxpayer funded studies by stifling federal scientists.

These tactics we expect from a "Third World Dictatorship" not from our own government.

A must watch

Thanks Normand

The Senate

I have said it before and I will say it again.... the Senate is an essential component of Canadian politics. It is a safeguard that protects us against the bumbling idiots we elect to the House of Commons.

That being said it is imperative that we change the manner in which Senators are selected. We must take the nomination process out of the hands of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has absolutely no interest in a Senators capacity to understand the legalities and complexities of being the final say other than whether the Senator is a supporter of his party.

The nomination should be the responsibility of the Province with the final selection and confirmation coming from an independent committee of non-partisan individuals who evaluate a Senator based on her/his Independence and lack of political allegiance.

You must realize that in the election process we tend to elect 90 to 95 percent of candidates who should not be in a position of deciding our future or making economic decisions on our behalf.



1939 - 2013
On February 20th, 2013 at 10:55 p.m., Marie Monique Rolande Allain, aged 73, passed away after a courageous and lengthy battle with cancer. Her last days were shared with family by her bedside at the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital. Monique was born on March 26, 1939, in Montreal, Quebec, the daughter of the late Hervé Allain and Lucienne Lefebvre. Cherished wife of Harold Spence and adored mother of Rodney and Raymond. A loving and special grandmother to Brandon, Ryan and Sofia. Survived by her loving sister and brothers, Colette, Robert and the late Richard. Also fondly remembered and loved by all members of the Allain and Spence families, their extended families, as well as her countless friends. Monique was an incredibly loving, compassionate and warm human being; her love showed no boundaries. These special qualities resounded in the hearts of everybody that came in contact with her... she was an angel amongst us. She loved life to the fullest and made us all see how sacred and beautiful it was, no matter what the circumstances, good or bad. She will be dearly missed by one and all but because of her impact and legacy...never forgotten. May she now rest peacefully in heaven and remain forever in our hearts. In honour of Monique, if desired, please donate to the Canadian Cancer Society in the hope that we can help others survive and beat this terrible disease. Cremation has taken place. Please join us in a communal celebration of Monique's life on Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 at BAY GARDENS FUNERAL HOME, 1010 Botanical Drive (across from Bayview Cemetery, Crematory & Mausoleum), BURLINGTON (905.527.0405 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 905.527.0405 end_of_the_skype_highlighting). Visitation will be held at 1 p.m., followed by funeral service in the Bay Gardens Chapel at 2 p.m.
God Bless.

Thanks Ralph