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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Lest Ye Foget - Doug Ford and other conservatives have been feeding health care a poison pill in the hpes of killing it

10 ex-Ontario health ministers issue joint letter decrying 'attack on public health'

Ten former Ontario health ministers from across the political spectrum have taken the rare step of sending a joint letter to the provincial government, imploring it to reverse millions of dollars in public health cuts they say put the province "at risk."
The letter, sent to Health Minister Christine Elliott on Thursday morning, was signed by:
  • Dennis Timbrell (PCs).
  • Three NDP ministers from the Bob Rae government: Ruth Grier, Evelyn Gigantes and Sen. Frances Lankin.
  • Six former Liberal ministers: Dr. Helena Jaczek, Dr. Eric Hoskins, who served in the Kathleen Wynne government, former deputy premier Deb Matthews, and David Caplan, Elinor Caplan and George Smitherman. 
"Traditionally, Ministers of Health have avoided commenting on the policies of their successors," it reads.

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