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Sunday, May 31, 2020
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Doug Ford and Christine Elliot: Making donors rich on the backs of the elderly
Military teams raise concerns about conditions at Ontario care homes
Military personnel sent to nursing homes in Ontario have observed shocking conditions, including “blatant disregard” for infection control measures, mistreatment of residents and a level of care described as “horrible,” according to documents obtained by Global News.
Canadian Armed Forces teams deployed to five of the province’s worst-hit long-term care homes to help control COVID-19 have raised concerns about each of the facilities, describing the care as ranging from below best practices to “borderline abusive, if not abusive” and worse, the documents show.
Infection prevention and control measures were found to be a particular problem, with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) protocols going unheeded by staff, many of whom were not properly trained, according to the documents obtained from a source familiar with the mission.
Every cut Doug Ford has made to Ontario - The damage is done
Doug Ford is a poser plain and simple. Prior to the pandemic he slashed and gutted programs and funding for the handicapped, the less fortunate and for health care all of which is the grand plan of conservatives everywhere to either sell off or partner with private, for profit corporations.
We saw it wit Harris, now on the board of one of the largest for profit long term care home owners. We saw it with harper, we are seeing it with Kenney, Moe and Pallister. The little guy is being held for ransom by corporations with the help of the conservative movement.
Here are Fords cuts....
When this crisis is over there will be hell to pay and Canada's Satanic party of conservatives are going to make you and I pay big time if we keep electing them.
There is nothing more idiotic than walking ourselves to the guillotine.
We saw it wit Harris, now on the board of one of the largest for profit long term care home owners. We saw it with harper, we are seeing it with Kenney, Moe and Pallister. The little guy is being held for ransom by corporations with the help of the conservative movement.
Here are Fords cuts....
When this crisis is over there will be hell to pay and Canada's Satanic party of conservatives are going to make you and I pay big time if we keep electing them.
There is nothing more idiotic than walking ourselves to the guillotine.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
While innocent Americans died
See what yor president was doing while good Americans suffered.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Lest Ye Foget - Doug Ford and other conservatives have been feeding health care a poison pill in the hpes of killing it
10 ex-Ontario health ministers issue joint letter decrying 'attack on public health'
Ten former Ontario health ministers from across the political spectrum have taken the rare step of sending a joint letter to the provincial government, imploring it to reverse millions of dollars in public health cuts they say put the province "at risk."
The letter, sent to Health Minister Christine Elliott on Thursday morning, was signed by:
- Dennis Timbrell (PCs).
- Three NDP ministers from the Bob Rae government: Ruth Grier, Evelyn Gigantes and Sen. Frances Lankin.
- Six former Liberal ministers: Dr. Helena Jaczek, Dr. Eric Hoskins, who served in the Kathleen Wynne government, former deputy premier Deb Matthews, and David Caplan, Elinor Caplan and George Smitherman.
"Traditionally, Ministers of Health have avoided commenting on the policies of their successors," it reads.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Jim Stanford@JimboStanford I had a doozer of a conversation with Michael Enright at CBCSunday on what'll be needed to rebuild the economy after COVID19
To rebuild the economy after COVID-19, we'll need more government, not less: Jim Stanford
There's no way that the market economy is going to snap back from this catastrophe'
There's no way that the market economy is going to snap back from this catastrophe'
More than three million people in Canada have lost their jobs since the pandemic started. Another two and a half million have seen dramatic cuts to their working hours.
The economic shocks from the COVID-19 shutdown have been staggering. And the government has turned to unprecedented levels of spending in response, to try to keep workers, families and businesses afloat.
As calls to rebuild the economy grow louder, economist Jim Stanford says we need the federal government to continue to be big and bold — and to keep mobilizing everything.
Stephen Harper; The mysoginistic narciscist whines again
There's lying and spin. Then there's lying and narcissistic, self-centred, hyperbole floating on a bed of arrogance and ignorance. He was the most hated PM in Canada's memory.
He left the biggest debt. The media is largely dominated by centre right and all shades of further right print and online media from Sun, to G&M to NP to that which shall not be named because of their odiousness.
It wasn't because he utterly sucked and was detested and his policies infuriated Canadians by and large. Oh no.. it was allllllll the centre and left media's fault. And the lies spin on and out.
Adam Goldenburg on twitter
He left the biggest debt. The media is largely dominated by centre right and all shades of further right print and online media from Sun, to G&M to NP to that which shall not be named because of their odiousness.
It wasn't because he utterly sucked and was detested and his policies infuriated Canadians by and large. Oh no.. it was allllllll the centre and left media's fault. And the lies spin on and out.
Adam Goldenburg on twitter
Monday, May 25, 2020
A hard hitting and accurate view of the conservatives and how they have become corporate shills in the image of the GOP
"This party can’t read a room.
It’s easy to see how the Conservatives got here: they went full Republican. The same untethered rage that the Republicans showed Barack Obama during his presidency is the same unhinged hatred Conservatives have for Justin Trudeau. This disproportionate response to a democratically elected prime minister led them to seek allies such as Fox News. In 2017, Peter Kent and Michelle Rempel Garner appeared on Fox News to “educate” Americans about the Omar Khadr case, a man whose Charter and human rights were trampled on by their lord and saviour, Stephen Harper."
It’s time for a Conservative eye exam because the Tories can’t read the room
It’s easy to see how the Conservatives got here: they went full Republican. The same untethered rage that the Republicans showed Barack Obama during his presidency is the same unhinged hatred Conservatives have for Justin Trudeau. This disproportionate response to a democratically elected prime minister led them to seek allies such as Fox News. In 2017, Peter Kent and Michelle Rempel Garner appeared on Fox News to “educate” Americans about the Omar Khadr case, a man whose Charter and human rights were trampled on by their lord and saviour, Stephen Harper."
It’s time for a Conservative eye exam because the Tories can’t read the room
The perverse and greedy view of the of the corporate world
"It's so unbelievably shocking to see corporate lawyers actively discussing having foreign investors use ISDS to challenge countries over their coronavirus lockdown measures, and try to extract 'expected future profits' from them."
'Ticking Time Bomb': Corporate Lawyers Openly Discussing Suing Nations Over Profits Lost to Covid-19 Measures
'Ticking Time Bomb': Corporate Lawyers Openly Discussing Suing Nations Over Profits Lost to Covid-19 Measures
Sunday, May 24, 2020
I call her the Geisha of point and shoot camera's, she gives me everything I want and need in a camera. My first FUJIFILM Finepix S was purchased while on vacation in Hawaii in 200o, I happened to see it on sale in a small camera shop around the corner from the Outrigger Hotel and snapped it up. That model had similar features to the one above but only had a 6X zoom, this one is a 30 X zoom.
The first camera served me well and while on a business/pleasure trip to Argentina in 2005 the owner of the computer company that was doing a web page for a friend expressed an interest in my camera and asked if I would consider selling him the camera, I agreed but would use it on the trip and turn it over to him before leaving for Canada. We agreed on a price and after vacationing on the coast I gave him the camera after having our photos put on a disc.
I bought this one on my return to Canada and have used it for 15 years now and I am more than satisfied with it. I've used it in the pouring rain while in Bejing China, on the beaches in Cuba and the Dominican and in the Canadian winters, all without issue. In England I got caught in a wicked wind and rain storm that came out of nowhere, everywhere we traveled the 30 X zoom has been a blessing, I love architecture and historic buildings and the zoom allows me to take closeups from virtually anywhere. The stabilization is amazing even when at full lens extention.
I have vision impairment and bright sunlight blinds me, the electronic viewfinder is a perfect alternative to the screen.
There are many other features but not being a photographer I have opted not to use them and as my vision deteriorates using them would be difficult.
For anyone looking for an amazing point and shoot camera with all these advantages and more I would recommend the newer Finepix S1 with 50 X zoom and wi-fi capability.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Friday, May 22, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Stephen Harper: The conteptable one
Canadians must never forget this mans contempt for workers, for the less fortunate but most of all we must never forget his contempt of Parliament and the Parliamentary system.
Stephen harper respects nothing, not the Supreme Court nor the laws of the land. He, and the CPC, created laws in the back rooms of parliament refusing the advice of the hundreds of lawyers that are on staff solely because of their knowledge and experience but he, and the arrogant pricks that were called Ministers, felt they were smarter, more knowledgeable than those with an actual degree and experience.
This contemptable pig is still disrupting parliament through his puppets in the CPC, the UCP and the PC parties.
Stephen harper respects nothing, not the Supreme Court nor the laws of the land. He, and the CPC, created laws in the back rooms of parliament refusing the advice of the hundreds of lawyers that are on staff solely because of their knowledge and experience but he, and the arrogant pricks that were called Ministers, felt they were smarter, more knowledgeable than those with an actual degree and experience.
This contemptable pig is still disrupting parliament through his puppets in the CPC, the UCP and the PC parties.
The stage is being set by Andrew Scheer: The austerity clowns are cueing up
Get ready for it Canada, the cry for the need of cuts, corporate giveaways and austerity after this pandemic are being planned in the cellars of the snake oil party. Andrew Scheer has been dropping negative comments and letting them sit there and ferment and mutate in the minds of Canadians
It is the CPC Platform, it has no substance
Austerity and negativity are the only thing the CPC has to offer and we have seen how well that works during Stephen Harpers years of secrecy, redacted documents and secret Order In Council (OIC) that are securely hidden from public view. Their controversial trade deal with China that the public is not privy to.
The Conservatives, at evert level of government, are selling us out
We are seeing it at the Provincial level where conservatives are the governing party and everything we hold dear is under attack. Education and healthcare are their primary targets the the less fortunate, the physically disabled, people on disability benefits the people not in a position to defend themselves and who are not a substantial financial donor.
That is the key to conservative empathy and support - one must be a substantial donor
"Stephen Harper Salutes You"
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Conservatives ripping off the public
Thomas A. Lukaszuk@LukaszukAB
.@.jkenney has 19 staffers, each earning between $100,000 to $224,000 annually, working directly for Kenney in the Premier’s Office. 10 of these positions (highlighted) never existed before. It’s a partisan political red tape machine paid for by taxpayers.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Monday, May 11, 2020
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Doug Ford: Giving the people of Ontario the shaft while they are distracted
Ontario allowing ‘secret lobbying’ amid COVID-19: critic
The Ontario government is allowing businesses to do “secret lobbying” by inviting them to ask for temporary law changes during COVID-19, Democracy Watch says.
The Progressive Conservative government, which was elected on promises to reduce red tape, announced Tuesday it would open an online portal where businesses could ask for regulation or rule changes to help them weather the pandemic. Democracy Watch, a non-profit which advocates for government accountability, said that portal is an invitation to use a loophole in Ontario’s lobbying rules, which is especially worrying given the government’s temporary rollbacks of some environmental protections.
“I am very concerned,” co-founder Duff Conacher said. “The Ford government has already used the coronavirus crisis as an excuse to cut some key environment-protection laws, and will likely try to cut other key big-business accountability and responsibility laws and enforcement actions to allow for more polluting, abuse of workers and communities and gouging and abuse of consumers than is already happening."
Friday, May 8, 2020
The lies keep coming from the CPC - They hate low income workers
*** WARNING ***
Do Not Listen to Andrew Scheer nor any CPC spokes person - CERB is for a 4 week period, you must reapply - it is a temporary benefit - The CPC has a very low opinion of you and your work ethics.
CERB is NOT a freebee, the CPC would like people to believe many of you collecting CERB are lazy and that you will not go back to work... we know that is a lie.
CERB is taxable and if you earn $1000 or more in a 14 day period while collecting CERB there will be claw backs … you can't fool the CRA unless you are wealthy or a corporation.
So please do not listen to the CPC nor Andrew Scheer wo speaks for them. Be wise and be safe.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
More bullshit, lies and blame shifting from the conservative master Doug Ford
This is inaccurate. Testing is the responsibility of the Province. Public Health Ontario was established in part for just this purpose. We are all in this together, and public health units will always step up help to save lives, but to blame them for Provindial failures is wrong.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Conservatives revel in their own stupidity. Tell one they are wrong and they leap into a diatribe of falsehoods and conspiracy theories straight out of a sci-fi spoof.
Peter MacKay's record on the justice file should be enough to lose him the leadership bid
Despite the best efforts of Peter MacKay to sabotage Peter MacKay’s bid for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada, it appears that somehow Peter MacKay is still the presumptive frontrunner.
There have been gaffes. Many, many gaffes. Like the time when MacKay’s boys in short pants shut down his interview with CTV, or pretty much any time when @PeterMacKay tweets anything.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
A darker shade of blue has cast a pall over the world and it's name is conservative. They kill people in the game of capitalism
«Most long term care homes in Ontario were municipally-run or nonprofit until the 1990s, but that changed under the Progressive Conservative government of Mike Harris. Now 59 per cent of the province’s approximately 600 LTC homes are owned and operated by the private sector.
A few big chains control most of what is now the LTC “market” in Ontario, including the largest in Canada, Chartwell Retirement Residences, where Harris is chair of the board.»
The private sector cannot be trusted to care for 80,000 seniors
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