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Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday's Ride - Easy Rider - Adult tricycle

Meet the Psychopaths That Live Among Us | Doc Zone

Most of us think of the psychopath as a serial killer — a monster like Colonel Russell Williams, Paul Bernardo or Clifford Olsen.  But most psychopaths are not physically violent criminals. They live among us, undetected. Experts believe between one and two per cent of the general adult male population are psychopaths, which means there could be 300,000 of them in Canada alone.  The ‘successful’ psychopath could be your neighbour, your boss, your spouse, or your friend.

“Psychopaths are every bit as rational as any human being, if not more so, because they don’t have the noise of human emotion,’’ says Dr. Stephen Porter, Professor of Forensic Psychology at the University of British Columbia. “Psychopaths do know right from wrong in the 'cognitive' or rational sense, and even do as well on moral-reasoning tasks in the lab setting as the rest of us.”  Many psychopaths are highly skilled at mimicking normal human emotion, using charisma, manipulation and intimidation to satisfy their own needs.  No wonder the psychopath is so hard to detect.

Dr. Robert Hare, professor emeritus at UBC and the FBI's top consulting psychologist on psychopaths, devised the Psychopathy Checklist, used by psychologists around the world to determine the degree of psychopathy in subjects.  “They want many of the same basic things that the rest of us but in addition have an inordinate need for power, prestige, wealth, and so forth,” says Hare. “They differ from most of us in terms of how much they 'need', their sense of entitlement to whatever they want, and the means with which they are willing to achieve their ends."

Ironically, the ruthless winner-take-all ethos of North American culture nurtures and rewards psychopathy.  Charming, manipulative and ruthless, these are the “snakes in suits” who don’t rob the bank, but instead become a director of it.  These “successful psychopaths” — those who attain prominent positions in society — may be overrepresented in certain occupations, such as politics, entertainment and business. 

Psychopaths love chaos and hate rules, so they tend to thrive in the fast-moving world of business, says Dr. Paul Babiak, a psychologist from New York City. "They have traits similar to ideal leaders. You would expect an ideal leader to be narcissistic, self-centred, dominant, very assertive, maybe to the point of being aggressive." They are verbally abusive, subject to rages and totally lacking in empathy or remorse, all of which makes them natural predators.

The Psychopath Next Door provides a chilling and provocative examination of those in our midst who act without conscience.  And we’ll hear from those whose hope is to one day discover a treatment for the psychopath — a term coined in the 1880s whose literal meaning is “suffering soul”.

Do you get the relationship yet?

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday's Ride - 1956 Continental Mark II & 1971 Buick Riviera

Explaining the Pandemic to my Past Self

Hey Alberta are you missing Rachel Notley yet?

Alberta Investment Management Corp., known as AIMCo, suffered far larger losses than comparable funds after investing in contracts that pay off only if stock markets remain stable. It lost billions of dollars when the economic collapse wrought by COVID-19 sent the S&P 500 and other stock benchmarks on a roller coaster ride, putting it on the losing end of the trades, according to several senior pension plan officials and other sources who are familiar with the situation.

The Globe and Mail is not naming the people because they aren’t authorized to speak publicly about AIMCo’s investing strategies.

The Edmonton-based Crown corporation manages about $119-billion on behalf of 375,000 members of provincial public retirement programs as well as public accounts such as the province’s $18-billion Heritage Savings Trust Fund. With investment decisions that affect pension beneficiaries as well as Alberta taxpayers, the loss raises questions about whether the strategy was too risky.

Doug Ford's Walkerton Moment.

By complying with public health directives and putting their business and personal lives on hold, Ontarians are doing what needs to be done to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the general community.
What’s happening inside long-term care and other group settings is a different problem. And that one is up to government, not the rest of us, to solve.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday's Ride - Auto Union DKW 1000S Super De Luxe Review Testdrive

The depravity and inhumanity of coservatism is never ending

Misinformation goes Viral

Self Isolation has led many to delve into crackpot theories that go from man-made viruses to spread of infections via 5G cell phone towers. Now, those that are rational are already asking the right questions and seeking legit sources of information…but more and more people are losing it. Feel free to use the information in this story to educate your friends. This pandemic is stressful enough without people confabulating nonsense!
I’ve found that people “listen” more if you have credentials, so while I’m not a fan of throwing letters at people…here are mine. I have a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Medicine from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. I did my postdoctoral work at MIT and am now an Associate Professor of Neurobiology at the University of Utah .

The Ford government has lowered Toronto to Third World Status

Medecins Sans Frontieres plans first Canada project as COVID-19 threatens homeless

TORONTO (Reuters) - Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is designing a 400-bed facility for homeless people in Toronto in its first Canadian project, a top official said on Tuesday, prompted by the risks posed by the coronavirus to vulnerable sections of society.

The capitalists are in hiding

Monday, April 13, 2020

Dirty profits off the backs of the people

Donald Trump Has Stake In Hydroxychloroquine Drugmaker: Report

The president has repeatedly touted the anti-malaria drug as a coronavirus treatment despite a lack of medical evidence.

President Donald Trump reportedly owns a stake in a company that produces hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug he has repeatedly touted as a coronavirus treatment even though his experts say there’s no strong evidence it works. 

Trump “has a small personal financial interest” in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, The New York Times reported Monday.
In addition, Sanofi’s largest shareholders include a mutual fund company run by major Republican donor Ke
n Fisher, the paper said. Trump’s three family trusts, as of last year, each had investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding was Sanofi, according to the Times. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross also had ties to the drugmaker, the Times reported.
Trump’s “assertiveness” in promoting the drug contrary to the recommendation of top health experts “has raised questions about his motives,” the Times noted.

There's an organization in the White House making a profit off you

Thank you one and all - Big and small

We are all grateful

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sunday's Ride - The Cars That Time Forgot

The party of negativity and deoom and gloom

Scheer has become the Captain Obvious of Canadian politics. It’s too bad he didn’t set sail last fall after the election and let Conservatives appoint an interim leader. He has been petty, partisan, and personal in his attacks.
Contrast this with Del Duca, who was just elected Ontario Liberal leader less than a month ago. Del Duca has praised Premier Doug Ford and has also made constructive suggestions on how to help people.
He has supported the premier because it’s the right thing to do regardless of the political ramifications. Del Duca has also offered constructive ideas to help.
Not all the ideas were originally his, but no right political decision ever is. Del Duca made the case to Ford for the temporary suspension of time of use electricity pricing, so people working from home would not be hit with expensive electricity bills. He advocated for the protection of consumers and the end of price gouging.
Del Duca advocated for more support for renters. Finally, he went out of his way to support allowing licenced restaurants to sell alcohol with takeout in Ontario.
WARREN: There's a right way and a wrong way to be an Opposition leader during COVID-19

Global National: April 4, 2020 | Canada has no plans to retaliate agains...

To stupid to answer

"Hot Rod Lincoln" - Bill Kirchen & Redd Volkaert

This guy can drive

As I recall, the drivers in the president's motorcade are trained and able to spontaneously reverse direction in unison should there ever be a threat to the president that requires them to quickly extract the president and themselves from the danger. The attached video is about the President's limo driver in "The Beast".
You've never seen anything like this before. When you take into account that the Secret Service limo driver for the President is driving a 12,000 lb. automobile at speeds up to 60 mph in reverse over a one mile course, it's even more amazing.
This car has about 800 horse power. The vehicle the President uses also is weaponized and uses a totally independent air conditioning system with  its own oxygen supply in case there is any gas or chemical attack.

Thanks Kerry

Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday's Rides - 50's Concept Cars | Cadillac Die Valkyrie & Chrysler Diablo

So! Doug "Fraud" Ford is your COVID !( hero - let me remind you

List of the Ford government health care cuts to date:

Yes folks the list is long and the cuts a deep. It will only get worse once this pandemic subsides

21st Day of Isolation

Thanks Kerry

Courting in the Villages-Florida

A lady in The Villages, in Florida (a senior retirement community), was sitting on a bench, near another bench where a gentleman was sitting.  She asked him if he was new to the community and he said, “No, I have owned a condo here for 20 years".
She said,  "I have been here for 15 years and I have never seen you around!"
He said, "I have been in prison for the last 17 years!"
She was stunned, and finally asked him what he had done.
He said that he had murdered his first wife!
She was stunned again, and after a long pause she said:
          “So, you're SINGLE???”
Thanks Ralph


Thanks Normand

Marianne Faithfull - As Tears Go By (1965)

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday's Ride - Pfau-Tec Dreirad Scootertrike Seniorenrad Therapierad Vorführung

The New York Times just called Canada the "moral leader of the free world"

"Entitled “Thank God for Canada!” and written by Nicholas Kristof, the piece points out that in the wake of Donald Trump‘s election, Canada has stepped up to call out injustice, offer asylum and overall, set an example for how moral and compassionate countries should operate."

Friends don't hurt friends - Canada wil negotiate

"Trudeau said that it would be a 'mistake' for the U.S. to limit exports of medical supplies to Canada in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. He also subtly reminded President Trump that it would not be in America’s best interest “to see interruptions in the supply chain in either direction."
"Fortunately and to their credit, 3M also recognises that it would not be in America’s interest to betray Canada, a country that supplies them with the ONLY source of a key strategic raw material used in the manufacture of PPE such as surgical masks, surgical gowns and so on.
"3M said that halting exports would cause other countries (eg Canada) to retaliate and cease exports to the U.S., leading to an overall decrease in the number of respirators available in the U.S. “That is the opposite of what we and the administration, on behalf of the American people, both seek,” the statement says.

Canadian’s were horrified to learn that the Trump Administration asked Minnesota-based 3M to stop sending N95 respirators to Canada. Many see it as a betrayal that can never be forgiven.

Au restaurant

Thanks Ivan

Nana Mouskouri - The White Rose Of Athens

Quarentine quips

Half of us are going to come out of this quarantine as amazing cooks. The other half will come out with a drinking problem.

I used to spin that toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune. Now I turn it like I'm cracking a safe.

I need to practice social-distancing from the refrigerator.

Still haven't decided where to go for Easter ----- The Living Room or The Bedroom

PSA: every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.

Homeschooling is going well. 2 students suspended for fighting and 1 teacher fired for drinking on the job.

I don't think anyone expected that when we changed the clocks we'd go from Standard Time to the Twilight Zone

This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came into my house, told my dog..... we laughed a lot.

So, after this quarantine.....will the producers of My 600 Pound Life just find me or do I find them?

My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfectant lately that when I pee it cleans the toilet.

Day 5 of Homeschooling: One of these little monsters called in a bomb threat.

I'm so excited --- it's time to take out the garbage. What should I wear.

I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to Puerto Backyarda. I'm getting tired of Los Livingroom.

Classified Ad: Single man with toilet paper seeks woman with hand sanitizer for good clean fun.

Day 6 of Homeschooling: My child just said "I hope I don't have the same teacher next year".... I'm offended.

Better 6 feet apart than 6 feet under.
Thanks Harry

Keep your valuables safe

Thanks Maris... Ha! And you call me naughty

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday's Ride - '56 Packard 400 & '56 Cadillac

For all those praising Ford ... a question:

Do you suffer from short term memory bias? 

Have you forgotten why the mess is the mess? 

FFS - He touted social distancing after telling people to go on vacation and then closed some businesses when the infection numbers blew out. Well good for him. Applause and fireworks.
Did he replace cut funding? No

Did he increase incomes for social assistance? No

Did he use his credit ability to increase health care and staffing and care anywhere? No

Did he protect business? He's trying. More flourishes...
Give your heads a bloody shake. Here's the reality of what they did, what he lead, what they corrupted and disaster created:

Public health restructuring should be negotiated, not forced, report states

Spokesperson for Health Minister Christine Elliott says province moving forward with plans

Yeah! Fords doing a great job.... behind closed doors

Public health spending cut in Ontario called 'huge step backwards'

Ford government to cut spending by $200M, slash number of public health units from 35 to 10

A cut of $200 million to public health units in Ontario annually would be a "huge step backwards" to frontline services that help to keep communities healthy, says the head of an organization that represents boards of health and medical officers of health.
Dr. Robert Kyle, president of the Association of Local Public Health Agencies, says medical officers are concerned about the magnitude, speed and lack of detail of the cut announced in the Ontario provincial budget last week. The government plans to slash the number of public health units from 35 to 10 over the next two years. 
"We prevent chronic diseases, we ensure food safety, immunizations, infectious diseases prevention and control. We focus on substance abuse and injuries, school health. We consider ourselves part of the local, if you will, kind of security infrastructure," Kyle told CBC Radio's Metro Morning on Tuesday.