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Monday, March 9, 2020

From the Idiot in Cheif

Robert Reich
Folks, for your own safety, please ignore the President of United States. His ramblings on the coronavirus have almost nothing to do with reality, and could potentially make the outbreak worse. Last night, he called the World Health Organization’s official death rate a "false number." He also implied that it's okay to go to work if you're sick. This, of course, after he called the virus "a hoax" last week.
Once again, Trump is completely ignoring science and the facts. Instead, he is concocting his own alternative reality to protect his own image and fragile ego. But this time his lies are actively endangering the health and safety of the American people. Tune him out. Listen to the medical experts.

Trump calls WHO's global death rate from coronavirus 'a false number'

‘This is just my hunch’, president says on Fox News and then plucked his own surmising of a death rate out of the air

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