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Wednesday, October 23, 2019


I look forward to seeing how the LPC and NDP work for Canada

This was by far the most vile un-Canadian of election I have endured in my 75 years. Every political party, except Liberals, gained something from the four year campaign of anti-Trudeau, anti-Liberal, anti-Canadian vitriol spewed by the CPC.

Thanks to the CPC and their anti-Liberal views we have seen the rise of the Bloc in Quebec and a renewed call for WEXIT coming out of Alberta. They have created a division unprecedented in Canadian history perhaps that is their intent.

Contrary to what the media is reporting this morning reconciliation and Canadian unity is now in the hands of the CPC it is up to them to stop the divisive vitriol and temper their words to stop the spread of hate that they created. Unfortunately I don’t believe they will since Harper started the conversation with his talk of building a wall around Alberta.

People, including conservatives, will blame Andrew Scheer for the ugliness that we experienced but Andrew Scheer was the messenger of negativity and false narrative, make no mistake this campaign was made in and directed from the party that Stephen Harper created and still plays a major role.

Dark money was laundered through right wing think tanks and funneled to third party advertisers who relayed the false narritive that came out of CPC central. Scheer may be a false prophet with a fake bio but he was good at what he did, create an atmosphere of distrust based solely on innuendo and without truth.

My predictions:

The LPC and the NDP will find a way to work around their differences for the benefit of the country. It should be interesting to see the compromises over the next 12 to 18 months and perhaps longer as neither are prepared to enter into an early election.

We could see dental care in the pharmacare package but I don’t see much else in year one.

The CPC will have a hard time convincing themselves and Andrew Scheer to quit unless one of their benefactors offers him a cushy position to get out of the way.

If Scheer stays we will see more false narrative and personal attacks on Trudeau and to some extent on Singh and the NDP when they make concessions.

The BQ will also play a part in keeping the government running simply because what benefits Canada as a whole will benefit them as a party. They can go back to their base and say “see what we did for Quebec”.

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