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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Found on FB

A friend from Alberta shared this on her wall this morning. Made me smile.
"You Might be the Reason the Rest of Canada Doesn’t Take Alberta Seriously if . . .
If you have ever complained that the size of Alberta’s ridings are undemocratic but also complained that “elections are decided by Quebec and Ontario” you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you can look at a Canadian media that election after election overwhelmingly endorses conservative parties and still believe that there is a massive left wing bias in the media you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you believe that the historic low unemployment rate Canada as a whole has experienced under Trudeau is a complete fiction because unemployment has been high in provinces dependent on the oil sector you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you were mad at Trudeau for renewing the current equalization formula but were fine with it when Harper wrote it you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you think Trudeau’s carbon tax is going to destroy Alberta, but didn’t even notice when Harper proposed one in back in 2008 you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you think Trudeau’s environmental regulations are going to kill all future pipelines but don’t understand how Harper’s deregulation resulted in every pipeline being tied up in court until the company bailed you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you are worried about Trudeau’s deficits bankrupting Canada but never really cared about Harper’s larger deficits you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you’ve never realized that Trudeau spent more on Alberta in four years than Harper did in ten you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you haven’t noticed that three federal parties are proposing making massive investments to help Alberta workers and none of them are led by Scheer or Bernier you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you are furious about Trudeau’s SNC-Lavalin scandal, but were completely oblivious to Harper having a larger scandal involving the same company you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you have ever defended inaction on climate change by pointing to China without ever having looked into all the ways China is leading the world in carbon reduction you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you think that the problems Alberta’s “separatists” complain about would actually be made better if Alberta were its own country you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you think there are other provinces which would join Alberta if it separated, you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.
If you think Alberta could separate from Canada without it being tied up in court for decades while First Nations sued for the land to be given to them under the treaties that promised them every square inch of this province you might be the reason the rest of Canada doesn’t take Alberta seriously.

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