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Friday, September 20, 2019

Put the CPC lies and misinformation about the sustainability of Canada Pension

Apparently the tired and old saw about CPP being something other than what it is and was is making the rounds - again. So.... if you see it, shut it down, report it as false, post correct information about it to correct those who have fallen for it. Some people think spreading false information is funny. Some do it to deliberately troll. Some are just not knowledgeable in the slightest so... whatever the reason. Correct the lies and falsehoods.
These are some of the correct information sites - not comprehensive by any measure.
(And no - there is no discussion going to happen related to plans and it's not about you or your personal situation, whatever it is.)


The most recent triennial report by the Chief Actuary of Canada indicated that the CPP is sustainable over a 75-year projection period.

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