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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Andrew Scheer and his cowardly acts

Imagine electing a Prime Minister so intimidated by a 16 year old climate activist that he fails to march for action to stop the rise in catastrophic weather around the world.

Andrew Scheer once claimed chocolate milk saved my sons life" so why doesn't he give a damn about his sons future?

Imagine electing a Prime Minister who fails to denounce hate groups surrounds himself with candidates that have either posted messages of hate or bigotry and misogynistic views.... Oh wait, you already did that with the election of Stephen Harper who lowered Canada's hate speech laws to allow his friends and supporters expand their message.

The right wing bigots and haters that support Andrew Scheer on social media are an angry sub-human culture. They have engaged in underground style tactics of trolling Liberal sites, some are paid by conservative support groups while others are either foreign bots or everyday haters, I have encountered them all.

The paid trolls and bots are easy to spot their FB profile is incomplete, sketchy and generally lacks friends.

These paid political assassins, as I refer to them, quote directly from the CPC handbook on "Electoral Disruption" which comes from the GOP book that got Donald Trump elected. They use the same disruption tools such as misleading or erroneous information. They attack certain Liberal supporters by looking at their FB profile and using the terminolgy that Donald Trump used in his UN speech on IRAN - "INDOCTRINATED" - Their usual comeback when losing is to say "You're indoctrinated" but do you know where this tactic began?

"YOU'RE INDOCTRINATED" A post war Eastern European term used to oppress and incarcerate dissidence.

"YOU'RE INDOCTRINATED" a McCarthyism term used to belittle those with socialist views. Still used in America to describe Canada's social progress..

"YOU'RE INDOCTRINATED" a derogatory term straight out of the CPC handbook on how to deal with opposing views. From the GOP handbook and often used by Donald Trump when making speeches..

Yes my friends it became a common expression in 1960's America to describe Pierre Elliot Trudeau so little wonder that the CPC has adopted this expression.

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