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Monday, September 30, 2019

Monday's Ride - All-electric vintage VW Beetle with Tesla batteries.

Scheer fumbles again - fact: wider highways induce demand

Evan Solomon Retweeted Justin Ling
Wider roads do NOT reduce emissions or traffic. The very opposite in fact. It is called “induced demand”. There are countless studies on this. It increases traffic. Every city planner knows this.

Justin Ling‏Verified account @Justin_Ling
Justin Ling Retweeted James Wattie

Good god. Andrew Scheer honestly argued that building wider roads reduces CO2 emissions. It *does not.*
Here is the estimated emissions impact of one stretch of expanded highway over 50 years. (The research suggests that there *could* be net savings in the short-term, but finds the impact is undoubtedly negative in the medium/long-term.)

Don't be fooled by CPC fools

Cnoose Forward

First day....

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday's Rides - 14 Notable Vehicle Designs from the Past | 1932 - 2009 Vehicles

Greta Thunberg to world leaders: 'How dare you? You have stolen my dream...

Andrew Scheer and his cowardly acts

Imagine electing a Prime Minister so intimidated by a 16 year old climate activist that he fails to march for action to stop the rise in catastrophic weather around the world.

Andrew Scheer once claimed chocolate milk saved my sons life" so why doesn't he give a damn about his sons future?

Imagine electing a Prime Minister who fails to denounce hate groups surrounds himself with candidates that have either posted messages of hate or bigotry and misogynistic views.... Oh wait, you already did that with the election of Stephen Harper who lowered Canada's hate speech laws to allow his friends and supporters expand their message.

The right wing bigots and haters that support Andrew Scheer on social media are an angry sub-human culture. They have engaged in underground style tactics of trolling Liberal sites, some are paid by conservative support groups while others are either foreign bots or everyday haters, I have encountered them all.

The paid trolls and bots are easy to spot their FB profile is incomplete, sketchy and generally lacks friends.

These paid political assassins, as I refer to them, quote directly from the CPC handbook on "Electoral Disruption" which comes from the GOP book that got Donald Trump elected. They use the same disruption tools such as misleading or erroneous information. They attack certain Liberal supporters by looking at their FB profile and using the terminolgy that Donald Trump used in his UN speech on IRAN - "INDOCTRINATED" - Their usual comeback when losing is to say "You're indoctrinated" but do you know where this tactic began?

"YOU'RE INDOCTRINATED" A post war Eastern European term used to oppress and incarcerate dissidence.

"YOU'RE INDOCTRINATED" a McCarthyism term used to belittle those with socialist views. Still used in America to describe Canada's social progress..

"YOU'RE INDOCTRINATED" a derogatory term straight out of the CPC handbook on how to deal with opposing views. From the GOP handbook and often used by Donald Trump when making speeches..

Yes my friends it became a common expression in 1960's America to describe Pierre Elliot Trudeau so little wonder that the CPC has adopted this expression.

Choose Forward

A dog's POV

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Saturday's Ride - 1960 Cadillac DeVille - Gateway Classic Cars of Dallas #1071

RMR: Rick's Rant - The Speaker's Role

Who was the worst speaker of the house in Canadian history? In fact, it was suggested he be replaced with a bag of flour with a smiley face painted on it. Hint: He's now leading the opposition party.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thursday's Ride - 1973 Ford Mustang Mach 1 - Gateway Classic Cars of Dallas #1077

From Tuesday's Toronto Star

A government that supports the systems we rely on
Tues., Sept. 24, 2019
After a traumatic year of Progressive Conservative rule in Ontario, Justin Trudeau can basically murder baby seals on live feed and I would still vote for him.
I didn’t vote for Trudeau in the last federal election. I have never voted Liberal in my life. I don’t always agree with everything he does, for example, dropping the ball on the whole first-past-the-post voting thing. The whole blackface scandal is not admirable either. But here’s the thing, Trudeau could run naked through an international summit, eat endangered animals for breakfast, then spend government money on a solid gold life-size statue of himself and I would still vote for him for the rest of my life.
That sounds crazy right? Well, the rest of Ontario and I have endured the hardship of a tyrannical Conservative provincial government for a year. Ontario has gone from family friendly, progressive, thriving, land of opportunity and my home, to an absolute backwater nightmare.
The Progressive Conservative party has systematically worked at dismantling every feature of the public sector that people rely on; health care, education, environmental restrictions, social supports, libraries. If you need it? Well, the Conservatives are working hard to get rid of it.
Before this year, I had the luxury of voting for whoever I liked best. I had the luxury and privilege of thinking of my political philosophy. The thing is, I have a family to support now and for the first time in my life, the decisions the government at every level makes seriously affects my life.
With Trudeau in office, I was able to take an 18-month maternity leave, there was more money in the CCB cheque. I don’t know whether or not he is really as altruistic as he pretends to be on social media, but I do know that he has done nothing except give me time off to be with my kids and money to help support them.
With Doug Ford in office, his decisions have affected my career, he is clawing away at my ability to support my family, he is negatively affecting the kind of services we can receive and their quality. He has directly made our lives much, much worse in a tangible way, this goes beyond political philosophy.
I can’t afford to ever take the chance that this will ever happen again. I need a government that supports the systems we rely on, that won’t threaten my ability to work. Whether or not I like Justin Trudeau, he’s got my vote, forever.

A. Rampen, Thornhill

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wednesday's Ride - 1949 Chevrolet 3800 Restomod Truck - Gateway Classic Cars #1678 Chicago

Together we are stronger

Administrators Opinion: What's hurting Canada

The CPC platform is made in the boardrooms of America and is tailored to serve corporate interests, shareholders and the wealthy. The writing has been on the wall for years but the died in the wool supporter is blind to the reality that the party is not in it for the people.
For the devout conservative supporter propaganda and conspiracy theories consume them they chose to ignore science and facts because they do not fit with what they have been trained to believe. Most, but not all, are like the flat earth society or area 51 conspiracy theorists while those who aren’t feed the anxieties of the theorist with untruths.
If Canada is to survive as a unified country we must find a solution to this onslaught of falsehoods, misinformation and hate that has arisen out of the ashes of post war ignorance There has to be an alliance between the government, corporations and the people. Without the government there would be no order, without corporations there would be no growth and without the people corporations and the government would fail. No one group can work alone it takes cooperation and teamwork.

Don't let Scheer and the CPC destroy what we all have and love

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday's Ride - Dodge Polaris Max Wedge Gateway Classic Cars Scottsdale #522

No he won't; another misleading promise from Andrew Scheer

"A Conservative government would overcome legal objections to building new petroleum pipelines by fast-tracking any cases right to the Supreme Court of Canada, party leader Andrew Scheer says."
For those who wonder what lays before the opposition to the TMX, Scheer thinks that a Con government could skip right to the finish line and run roughshod over opponents. The CPC hasn't performed that well before the SCoC, perhaps because their masters only know American law and the American way.
He evidently has little knowledge of the Canadian justice system (or that in America). Superior courts must accept to hear arguments before them to ensure that they have first been considered in the lower courts, especially when involving federal - provincial rights touching upon Section 92 of the Constitution, and those of indigenous peoples.

Scheer says he'd fast-track pipeline challenges straight to Supreme Court

It is a typical conservative response, a reminder of how they deal with the opposition when they, themselves, have nothing to offer

"The reason they taunt her with childish insults is because that’s all they’ve got. They’re out of ideas. They can’t dismantle her arguments, because she has science – and David Attenborough – on her side. They can’t win the debate with the persuasive force of their arguments, because these bargain bin cranks trade in jaded cynicism, not youthful passion. They can harangue her with snide tweets and hot take blogposts, but they won’t get a reaction because, frankly, she has bigger worries on her mind." Isn't that exactly what the CONS do here because they are intellectually bankrupt? Here's the article. It's really well written and fairly short.

Why is Greta Thunberg so triggering for certain men?

How can a 16-year-old girl in plaits, dedicated to trying to save the planet, inspire such incandescent rage?

Collusion Party of Canada; The CPC and Canada Proud collude to destroy the environment, the economy just to capitalize on their supporters ignorance of reality

Conservatives aren't even trying to cover up the teamwork taking place between industry, politicians and Canada Proud. Don't call it collusion though.
Some of you may remember Terrance Oakey from the last Ontario Provincial election. He leveraged his position as President of Merit Canada to donate $50,000 to Ontario Proud and encourage other property developers to do the same. (1)
Now, Oakey is back. Merit Canada has donated $45,000 to Canada Proud. (2) Not only that, Paul Mannix of Coril Holdings has donated $100,000 to Canada Proud ($50,000 personally and $50,000 from his company).
Tying Oakey to Mannix is former Conservative MP and interim leader Rona Ambrose. She sits on the board of Coril. As you can see from the photo provided, Oakey knows Ambrose from his days lobbying the Harper government and possibly from his time working for Stephen Harper. (3)
Of course, the connections don't stop there. Oakey is a partner at government relations firm One. Who does Oakey work with? None other than Hamish Marshall. (4)
If you're not familiar with Marshall, he previously worked for Rebel Media. More importantly, Marshall is Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer's campaign manager.
So we follow the money from Paul Mannix and Oakey to Canada Proud. Canada Proud supports efforts to elect conservative politicians like Andrew Scheer who is managed by Hamish Marshall who is a partner with Oakey at One.
So how could Mannix and Oakey potentially benefit from electing a Conservative government? Like in Ontario, laws favorable to industry and developers could be very profitable.
One of the companies held by Coril is Triovest, a commercial real estate property with over 380 properties across Canada, a company that could benefit from the right government in Ottawa. This is just like the situation in Ontario where Ford introduced a number of pieces of legislation that could help property developers like Mattamy Homes' Peter Gilgan pocket millions more in profits.
If anyone doubts this is a possibility, you should know that Oakey and Merit have lobbied government officials and Conservative MPs more than 250 times in the last several years. (5) Oakey was also a frequent visitor to government officials during the Harper years.
"The Merit lobbyist, Terrance Oakey, has a long history with the Progressive Conservative party and its successor Conservative party dating to at least 1999, when he was a special assistant to Joe Clark. He has been a special assistant to the party’s national director, worked in the national party’s communications department and was a researcher in Harper’s opposition office.
Merit is an advocate for an “open shop,”. It actively competes against unionized construction crews.
As Merit’s man in Ottawa, Oakey had 117 meetings with public officeholders on the bill between November 2011 and 2014, but it’s his level of access which sets him apart.
He had 13 meetings with Hiebert, but also 12 meetings with Harper’s (since departed) director of stakeholder relations, Alykhan Velshi, as well as a meeting with Rachal Curran, Harper’s director of policy. Harper’s former chief of staff Nigel Wright attended one of the meetings with Hiebert and Velshi. Oakey also had a separate tête-à-tête with Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird.
On the other side, the Canadian Labour Congress says the closest it got to Harper’s office in lobbying against the bill was an early 2013 phone conversation between then-president Ken Georgetti and Wright. Georgetti raised it briefly with the prime minister in an unrelated meeting."
"The CLC was told there was no time for a face-to-face meeting.
“This guy (Oakey) had open access to the PMO, but for the labour movement, the PMO is a closed door,’’ said CLC official Danny Mallett."
"Merit, according to the CFRA, did not disclose its financial statements, major contributors, bylaws, board member or membership policies but Oakey told the Star all his funding comes from the eight organizations, with Alberta leading the way, although he put no dollar figure on it."
All of this may not meet the insufficient definition of collusion contained in Canadian law but it sure stinks. At a minimum, the RCMP should be called in to investigate possible collusion between Canada Proud and the Scheer campaign.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Monday's Ride - 1934 Ford Victoria Real Steel Streetrod - Gateway Classic Cars of Dallas...

Comments from the newspaper that set the standard for misinformation and political bias

Here are most of the letters to the editor in today's Globe and Mail. The two or three I left out were mildly negative, but most were understanding. Considering the hate fest the Globe has conducted against the PM over the past many months, I'd say this episode is way more important to the punditry than the citizenry. My favourite letter is this one, close to the end: "The brownface photo certainly reflects a youthful error in judgement. But am I going to punish myself by not voting for him? Absolutely not."
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dressed up in an Aladdin costume and wore brown makeup in 2001 while attending an Arabian Nights-themed gala. As a brown-skinned Canadian of East Indian descent, I accept that he did not consider it a racist act at that time.
The gala was held 18 years ago and, back then, people dressed up in all kinds of costumes, including Indigenous ones, without considering it racist. Nowadays, we would not consider it appropriate to dress up in the costume of another racial group, and we would certainly not darken our faces to mimic those of another race.
Our ideas of racism have changed over the past decades. Canadians should think about how their own thinking has evolved before jumping on the bandwagon of criticism.
Aby Rajani Toronto

I would normally find this commotion over brownface quite amusing if, at some level, I did not find offensive all those feigning outrage. It feels like stooping to patronize the minority vote. When it comes to racism, there are more serious issues to address such as racial prejudices in the workplace and discriminatory hiring practices. That does not even include important election issues such as the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the impasse over the Trans Mountain pipeline or continuing apathy toward Indigenous issues.
I am dismayed that not a single political leader saw this for what it was – a costume worn for a theme party at a private gathering – and instead chose to raise hell and cry racism. If I must take offence, it is to the notion that others have decided to feel aggrieved on behalf of my community.
In the end, I think we have moved toward being too politically correct – which would actually be fine, if we were not applying these sensitivities to a fantasy world like the Arabian Nights.
Dinesh Raveendran Milton, Ont.

It is completely appropriate to bring up past photos, videos and social-media postings in order to probe the character of politicians. Justin Trudeau’s inappropriate costumes and Andrew Scheer’s comments on same-sex marriage are both fair game.
However, the public is free to judge their characters based on how they responded to each revelation. In that regard, Mr. Scheer remains unable to unequivocally support same-sex marriage, whereas Mr. Trudeau’s clear regret – along with his record on minority-focused issues and the makeup of his cabinet – speaks volumes.
Salman Remtulla Mississauga

As I read about Justin Trudeau’s actions nearly 20 years ago at a party, I found myself also thinking of Andrew Scheer, who is being held to account for a past statement on same-sex marriage. I would not be surprised if stories about the NDP and Green Party leaders were also to appear. The truth is everyone has things in their past that they regret, were unaware of or were ignorant about.
I do.
As a clergy person, I remind people weekly that they are “loved, forgiven and set free.” This invites us to start anew, to leave regret and shame behind. When we are our truest self, we are more conscious and aware, more able to make better choices based on the greater good.
I hope the politics of this election become less about shame-invoking and more about looking forward. We can’t waste time dragging one another through the mud. The world needs our best selves in order to create the best conditions for all to thrive.
John Pentland Reverend, Hillhurst United, Calgary

After I saw the photo of Justin Trudeau in brownface from 2001, I went to listen to a Metropolitan Opera recording of Mozart’s opera The Abduction from the Seraglio. The educated and diverse audience for this production paid hundreds of dollars each to see a German operatic bass in brown makeup and period costume perform the role of Osmin, the manager of a Harem. How many culturally sensitive lines did this cross?
Surely it is vital to consider context, including what is said and intended, before making a snap judgment based purely on appearance.
Michael Owen London, Ont.

Fifty years ago, my Grade 6 class did a project studying a country of our choice. I chose Nigeria.
On presentation day, we were encouraged to dress in a costume traditional to our country. My parents helped me make a colourful body wrap and gele for my head, and paint my face brown using cocoa powder. My costume won accolades.
On another occasion, we made an “Indian princess” costume for Halloween. It was a bejeweled, fringed, burlap-sack dress complete with a papoose containing a dark-skinned doll.
Should we have made or worn these costumes? No. Would I do it today? No. I agree with Justin Trudeau that now we know better. And I accept his apology.
Elizabeth Ross Orillia, Ont.

Little did we know we were racists when singing blackfaced in a church-minstrel show in Kitchener in 1953. Or when we were singing, blackened, a version of the Banana Boat Song during an army review in Kingston in 1959. But now we all know better. Canadians should be glad we’ve grown up – and out – toward the light.
John Marion Toronto

The brownface photo certainly reflects a youthful error in judgement. But am I going to punish myself by not voting for him? Absolutely not.
Jane Dickson Ottawa

The good people of Canada should come to their senses. As an American living under Donald Trump, I can assure you that Canadians are blessed to have an intelligent, progressive leader in Justin Trudeau. Don’t throw him out because of some 18-year-old photos of him in brownface. Most of us in the United States would gladly trade your Prime Minister for our President.
Doug Williams Minneapolis, Minn.

I'm Andrew Scheer and a hypocrite you "will regret" voting for me

SNC Lavlin

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sunday's Ride - 1957 Chevrolet 3100 | Stock: #163 - Las Vegas

Pity the nation whose people are sheep

Andrew Scheer Wants CPP "TAX" Reduced (Canada Pension Plan)

This was tried with the legislation of RRSPs in 1954 and the adoption of the legislation by financial institutions in 1974. It's popularity was limited, especially for Canadians who faced hardship during the early 1980s.

Our current government has taken the right steps in increasing current CPP premiums leading to an increase in future benefits. While the original 2.3% rate was meant to be initial in 1971 with subsequent increases, our government has finally recognized that need, with increases from the current rate of 5% to almost 9%. That will raise new participants and to a partial level, existing contributors, to benefits expected to satisfy 33% of retirement needs, up from 25%.

We can't satisfy the rich

Citizens Climate Lobby

Two Spirit

Friday, September 20, 2019

I borrowed this from a friend - Joe Conservative

"Joe Conservative gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of water, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to ensure their safety and that they work as advertised. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs. Joe's bacon is safe to eat because some girly-man liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry. In the morning shower, Joe reaches for his shampoo. His bottle is properly labeled with each ingredient and its amount in the total contents because some crybaby liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained.
"Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some environmentalist wacko liberal fought for the laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government-subsidized ride to work. It saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees because some fancy-pants liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
"Joe begins his work day. He has a good job with excellent pay, medical benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some lazy liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe's employer pays these standards because Joe's employer doesn't want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed, he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment cheque because some stupid liberal didn't think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
"It's noontime and Joe needs to make a bank deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe's deposit is federally insured by the Feds because some godless liberal wanted to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the Great Depression. Joe has to pay his CMHC-underwritten mortgage and his below-market federal student loan because some elitist liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his lifetime.
"Joe is home from work. He plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive. His car is among the safest in the world because some America-hating liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. His was the third generation to live in the house but regulations require bankers to make rural loans. The house didn't have electricity until some big-government liberal stuck his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification.
He is happy to see his father, who is now retired. His father lives on government pension and a union pension because some wine-drinking, cheese-eating liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.
"Joe stops by for a Doctors visit and it costs him nothing because some CCF leader helped to create a National health care program. He picks up his prescription but only pays a fraction of what Americans pay thanks to some whacky Liberal who set up a system where drug costs are negotiated nationally.
"Joe gets back in his car for the ride home, and turns on a radio talk show. The radio host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. He doesn't mention that the beloved Conservatives have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day. Joe agrees: "We don't need those big-government liberals ruining our lives! After all, I'm a self-made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have."

Friday's Ride - 1962 Lincoln Continental, Gateway Classic Cars - Denver #645

Put the CPC lies and misinformation about the sustainability of Canada Pension

Apparently the tired and old saw about CPP being something other than what it is and was is making the rounds - again. So.... if you see it, shut it down, report it as false, post correct information about it to correct those who have fallen for it. Some people think spreading false information is funny. Some do it to deliberately troll. Some are just not knowledgeable in the slightest so... whatever the reason. Correct the lies and falsehoods.
These are some of the correct information sites - not comprehensive by any measure.
(And no - there is no discussion going to happen related to plans and it's not about you or your personal situation, whatever it is.)


The most recent triennial report by the Chief Actuary of Canada indicated that the CPP is sustainable over a 75-year projection period.

The disinformation never ends with the CPC

Bill Morneau: Over the past several days, Scheer and CPC have been sharing misinformation about Canada’s tax system. This is deeply concerning. When politicians ignore experts, and choose to favor rhetoric over facts, we all pay the price. So here are the facts:
According to the OECD:Bill Morneau: Over the past several days, Scheer and CPC have been sharing misinformation about Canada’s tax system. This is deeply concerning. When politicians ignore experts, and choose to favor rhetoric over facts, we all pay the price. So here are the facts:
According to the OECD:

When will his lies come back to roost ?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday's Ride - "BLASTRO" 1985 Chevy Astro Van with a Radical Attitude

4 Things Andrew Scheer’s Weakness Will Cost You—Unless We Stop Him

Since being elected Conservative leader, Andrew Scheer has been clear about one thing: His priority is cutting taxes for the wealthiest Canadians and big business.
His senior finance and economic development spokespeople have said “we need lower corporate taxes” and even pushed for Trump-style tax giveaways to the wealthy.
Because Andrew Scheer will say “yes” to the one percent — that means he’ll say “no” to the things that matter to you.
Here are 4 things Scheer’s weakness could cost you and your family:
  1. Health care. Last month, senior MPs from Andrew Scheer’s team hosted a $250-a-ticket event billed as a discussion on “the business of health care” in Canada. This cash-for-access fundraiser has sparked fears the Conservatives are hatching a plan to pay for tax giveaways to the rich with cuts and American-style privation to our health care.
  2. Retirement security. The last time Conservatives were in power, Stephen Harper told billionaires in Davos, Switzerland he was raising the age ordinary Canadians could collect their Old Age Security benefits. Now the Conservatives under Andrew Scheer are opposing efforts to strengthen the Canada Pension Plan — leading many to worry he’d raise the age of eligibility for CPP too.
  3. Child and family benefits. Time and time again, Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives have voted against the interests of ordinary Canadians. They voted against asking the wealthy to pay a bit more in taxes to give middle-class families a break. And they voted against the new Canada Child Benefit that’s helping families and lifting children out of poverty. Scheer voted “no” to benefits for children, but plans to say “yes” to tax cuts for the rich?
  4. Prescription drug coverage. There are new, multi-partisan efforts underway in Ottawa to expand prescription drug coverage for ordinary Canadians — but Andrew Scheer has opposed all of them. He’d cancel any plan to lower the cost of life-saving drugs so he can give his wealthy friends a tax break instead.
Too many Canadian families are struggling already. The last thing they need is another Conservative Prime Minister who can’t say no to the richest Canadians and most profitable corporations. Make no mistake, Andrew Scheer’s weakness will cost you.

Scheer will continue the destruction Harper started

The Conservative Party isn’t on your side

The last time the Conservative party was in power, Canadians everywhere paid the price – especially those who deliver public services. If elected in October, Andrew Scheer is going to pick up where Stephen Harper left off. Here’s a list of reasons why we can’t let that happen. 

When they last formed government, the Conservative party:   

  • Cut jobs and laid off employees 
  • Cut 26,000 jobs in the public service in less than four years and, if they had been re-elected in 2015, expected to cut 9,000 more, directly hurting front-line public services for Canadians.  
  • Statistics Canada estimates 50,000 jobs were cut in the broader federal public administration between 2011 and 2015 alone. 
  • Cut important public services 
Theres more              

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday's Ride Beatersville Rat Rod Car Show 2018

Open letter: Fear of a CPC government

Mark Shainblum
31 August at 15:58
Listen, my fellow Canadians, I am about to offer controversial political advice. Take it or leave it, but I have to say it.
In olden times, when the word "Conservative" had a "Progressive" in front of it, I was much more laissez-faire about the natural rotation of governing parties. I wasn't thrilled when things went to the right, but that was the way of democracy.
Now, however, with a federal election coming up, I ask you to have a look at the world:
The current Conservative Party is not the Progressive Conservative party of Diefenbaker, Stanfield, Clark, Campbell or even, God help us, Mulroney. It's the Reform Party rebranded and even further to the right, so much so that it makes even Preston Manning uncomfortable sometimes.
It's still the cranky, spiteful, secretive, anti-science, hyper-partisan party of Stephen Harper. It's the party that muzzled climate and food scientists when their findings didn't mesh with Conservative policy goals, like building pipelines everywhere. It's the party that trampled Canada's history -- under both parties -- of being a humanitarian force for good in the world.
At home here in Canada, Doug Ford's Keystone Kops Conservative government in Ontario immediately put into effect all sorts of regressive legislation and cuts, with no planning or foresight, that they then had to back away from, making detractors and supporters alike believe they scribbled out their policies on napkins an hour before the press conference.
They also invoked the notwithstanding clause, formerly only the hated tool of Quebec "separatists".
A government supposedly for the middle class suddenly caused chaos for almost anyone relying on pharmacare, special needs programs for children, and student loans, while being focussed on clueless idiocies like "buck a beer".
Even Bob Rae's surprise NDP government a couple of decades ago, infamous for its supposed unreadiness to govern, wasn't THIS unready or this ideologically stubborn.
Look at the world. We have two ignorant, racist, rage-filled populists in Washington and London, ready to break the world order just for the sake of breaking it, arguably at the behest of a tyrant in Moscow.
We have even worse proto-tyrants in charge of countries like Poland, Hungary, the Philippines, Brazil and Venezuela.
Canada must not join the ranks of those governed by the entitled angry.
Look, I'm not completely impressed with Justin Trudeau. The SNC debacle was a pretty shameful reversion to classic Liberal "natural governing party" entitlement, and it made him look a lot less like the feminist saviour he presents himself as.
But y'know what? I firmly believe we are STILL far better off with a reasonably progressive, reasonably competent Liberal government than we are with the mystery black box that would be a Conservative government under Scheer.
I think there's a big danger that, in these times, a highly ideological Conservative government would risk too much, including getting Canada swept up in Trump's economic wars, and Johnson's fever dreams of rebuilding the British Empire through the CANZUK project.
Am I being hysterical? Possibly. But I'm a science fiction writer, it's my job to push trends out a few years and see where they might go.
I'm frankly afraid of what might happen if THESE Conservatives are in charge of Canada while Brexit plays out, and Trump continues to break all the china in all the china shops.
Not all Conservatives, but THESE Conservatives.
And I think the world needs us as an island of reason and sanity.

Andrew Scheer Wants CPP "TAX" Reduced (Canada Pension Plan) & Force "Sel...

Choose Forward

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuesday's Ride - 1975 Pontiac Grand Ville Brougham Gateway Classic Cars Scottsdale #518

Post Media: Journalism for dummies

That Sun Column Was No Outlier. Postmedia Has Embraced Dishonest, Dangerous Propaganda

Journalism is essential to a functioning democracy, and it’s falling


"Debating for Dummies" 50 times they talked to an empty podium. That's right folks 50 times they mentioned the Prime Minister by name. Very impressive. He goes out campaigning and the opposition still is in fear of him and can't stop talking to an empty podium.