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Saturday, September 8, 2018

Ontario's clown prince hasn't got the smarts

Doug Ford’s summertime show of shock and awe has gone shockingly awry.
The rule of Ford has come up against the rule of law — and had its comeuppance in court. The premier who presumed he had unchallenged power to zap carbon pricing, attack sex-ed, target Tesla and meddle in Toronto elections is getting tied up in legal knots.

Courts are catching up to Ford’s ‘unlawful’ ways

Even if none of his ministers dares stand up to Ford, a sitting judge had no hesitation speaking truth to power last week. More may soon follow.
In the first of Ford’s legal confrontations, he was trounced by Tesla — that emblem of elitist environmentalism. The Tories had tried to make an example of the luxury California carmaker by depriving it of rebates flowing to competitors. But Justice Frederick Myers wasn’t buying it — lambasting the government for acting in an “egregious” and “unlawful” way. He also ordered it to pay $125,000 for Tesla’s legal costs.
Unlawful. Egregious.
We’re not making this up: Ford is making it up as he goes along.

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