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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ontario: A gouvernment out of control

Doug Ford claims he was democratically elected to run the Province of Ontario and while that is true he was NOT elected to commit undemocratic acts to appease his ego nor was he elected to ignore the rule of law or to ignore a judgement by a duly appointed jurist.

Doug Ford is trampling on the rights of all Ontarians

For the past 36 years, ever since the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was entrenched in Canada’s Constitution, Ontario premiers of all political persuasions managed to govern while respecting our fundamental rights.
All eight of them — Davis, Miller, Peterson, Rae, Harris, Eves, McGuinty and Wynne — dealt with weighty, controversial issues. The province grew and prospered. And none of the premiers found it necessary to brush aside basic Charter freedoms and invoke the Constitution’s nuclear option, the “notwithstanding” clause, to exercise their will.
Now, barely 10 weeks after he took office, Doug Ford has pushed that button. And in the name of what great cause, what overarching matter of principle? Oh yes: cutting the size of Toronto city council.

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