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Friday, May 18, 2018

Ford is Harris 2.0

Here are what some of the major platform planks will cost:
  • $2.3 billion for an income tax cut for anyone making more than $46,000 (to come into effect in 2020).
  • $2 billion in lost cap-and-trade auction fees.
  • $1.3 billion to cut the corporate tax rate by one percentage point.
  • Around $500 million for a tax credit for workers making minimum wage.
  • $800 million to cut hydro bills by 12 per cent.
These promises will cost almost $7 billion. And that doesn't take into account Ford's promise to spend $5 billion in new transit money for the Toronto region, or the cost of uploading the infrastructure costs of that city's public transit system.
In the meantime, the only cost savings the PCs have announced is cutting four per cent of spending, or $6 billion. Even if one believes those savings can be realized without cutting services or jobs — and many don't — it's still unclear where the money to pay for the promises will come from.

Adding up the cost of the PC party platform

Unclear where money will come from to pay for Tory promises, or when they'll balance budget

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