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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Ford the dictating fool

No funding to Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston municipalities unless locals knuckle under to Ford’s priorities

(CARLETON PLACE)—Doug Ford says that, as premier, he’ll cut provincial funding to municipalities across Ontario unless they abandon local priorities and knuckle under to his downtown Toronto orders. The result will be a slash and burn to municipal budgets, cutting valued social services and forcing higher property taxes.
As reported in the Cornwall Standard-Freeholder, “Doug Ford said he would be willing to help the City of Cornwall…but only if municipalities across the province start cutting what a PC government would deem as wasteful spending.” At a rally in Cornwall, Ford said he would demand to “look through the books” of all municipalities before agreeing to fund infrastructure, “to make sure we aren’t wasting money in any town or city.”
“When Doug Ford says his government will 'find efficiencies' red flags go up for me,” says Amanda Pulker-Mok, Ontario Liberal candidate in Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. “I think of the Harris government of the 1990's and the 'efficiencies' found through major cuts to healthcare, education, and the downloading of essential services to municipalities.”
“We simply can not go back to the days of firing teachers and nurses or closing our schools and hospitals.”

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