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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday's Ride - 1958 Chevrolet Impala For Sale

Ford is a part of your problem

Ford is just plain wrong on every front

Voter Fraud, Illegal Fundraising, Racism – A Timeline of Every Doug Ford Ontario Election Controversy

The number of controversies facing Ford grows every day. Fortunately, we've compiled every single one.

From voter fraud to illegal fundraising, Doug Ford faces an unprecedented number of controversies. To help you keep track, North99 has compiled every single allegation since Ford’s Conservative leadership victory.

Radical Religious Far-Right Groups Claim Victory Victory for Doug Ford – March 11

Stop Ford

"Never mind that he has coasted on the political machinery of his brother, former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. Never mind that he spent years as a city counsellor trying to dismantle public services, has surrounded himself with Stephen Harper’s closest advisors, and is now advancing policies that would be a Trump-like giveaway to the wealthiest. Half-baked denunciations of the elite are apparently enough to eclipse an entire career of fealty to them."

Doug Ford isn’t “for the little guy” – he’s a mercenary for the millionaire class

A surging NDP can defeat Canada’s Trump – whose folksy act is a front for an assault on working people and the environment

Nivver go to Glasgow

Thanks Ivan

school Shooting

A friend from Santa Fe

In case any were wondering, the Santa Fe School that a student shot up is around 8 miles from our house, north and west of us.

My brother was scheduled to come in from Denver and they cancelled his flight.

It was reported here in the Houston area extensively, of course.

Santa Fe is the home of the KK leader.  We decided fairly soon that we did not want to live there.  As far as we know, no blacks live there.

Thanks Kerry

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wednesday's Ride - 1969 Plymouth Road Runner A12 M Code For Sale

Before it is to late

Once again the PC party has given Ontario the worst possible choice

Doug Ford's Handling Of The Data Breach Proves He Can't Be Trusted

Given Doug Ford's record of lying and bullying, it's hardly surprising his slate of candidates think they can get away with anything under his leadership.

Doug Ford, leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, is running a campaign based on trust to be premier.
Trust him to bring in a "responsible government."
Trust him to kill the carbon tax, even though he shouldn't.
Despite running to lead the province, he consistently refuses to cost out his expensive campaign promises of tax cuts, while improving health care and transit. Trust him, in other words.
Ford asks for a lot of trust by voters, yet he's failed to deliver a reason why it should be given.

Money talks conservatives lie

Any marketing textbook can explain why Kathleen Wynne is perceived as "bad". It's because the CON Party has spent 3 yrs+ and $millions+ on a campaign to convince Ontario voters that Wynne "is bad" - contrary to strong evidence, that she is not. Money talks.


The PC"s platform - Pathetic

Finally some fully costed policy from ON PCs: 
"For too long beer consumers have been forced to pay inflated prices for beer in order to increase the profits of big corporations. Doug Ford will bring back buck a beer. "
Cheap beer is $1.06 so Doug's going to destroy the public safety net and province but you can save $.06 a can! WooHoo!

Because Doug is anti corporations and profit. LOL 
Great platform. Credit to Hudak crew for the concept. 
How pathetic are the PCs? This pathetic.

Aura Basilica Notre Dame | Aura Basilique p1| Montreal Attraction

Thanks Sylvia

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tuesday's Ride - Custom Cars - Milld, Radical & A Strange One

Before Doug Destroys Ontario

Even grannies are smarter than Doug Ford

If Doug knew anything about vets, he would know Legions do not pay property taxes. Then again he would also know he can not cut funding to the CBC, that election fraud is a huge issues, stealing personal data is a crime, putting up signs on yards with out approval is wrong....

When Doug said he was going to run..... Run Dougie Run

WATCH: Doug Ford dodges journalists before fleeing Brantford event through the back door

"Do you know where he went? Did you guys sneak him out the back?"

Openness and transparency first, folks.
The same day Doug Ford faced serious questions about an audio recording that allegedly shows him selling “bogus” party memberships, the Ontario PC leader quite literally fled from journalists at a campaign stop in Brantford.
Physically shielded from the press by political operatives, Ford reportedly spent just over an hour posing for pictures before sneaking out the back door of the venue and being hastily whisked away.
At the event, journalists such as CTV’s Tina Yazdani tried to question Ford but found their efforts rebuffed by his handlers.

Granddaughter's last Syncro competition at Univ de Sherbrooke

Olivia all 5'7'' (or more)? of her in competition at Univ de Sherbrooke representing team St-Bruno.

There was also a Karate competition going on.

Thanks Ivan

my ex-wife

Tom finally decided to tie the knot with his long-time girlfriend.

One evening, after the honeymoon, he was welding some stuff in the garage just for fun.

His new wife was standing there at the bench watching him. After a long period of silence she finally spoke, "Honey, I've just been thinking, now that we are married maybe it's time you quit spending all your time out here in the shop. You probably should just consider selling all your welders along with your gun collection and that stupidvintage Harley.

Tom got a horrified look on his face.

She said, "Darling, what's wrong?"

He replied, "There for a minute you were starting to sound like my ex-wife."


Tom replied: “I wasn't!"

Thanks Randy 

Pope gives sweet answer to heartsick boy who lost his papa

Thanks Sylvia

Monday, May 28, 2018

Monday's Ride - 1967 Pontiac GTO For Sale

Be afraid Canada Trumpism is here too

What the CPC brought to Canada was pure far right wing US neoliberalism, and all their bag of dirty election tricks. Harper was the Canadian master. He hasn't gone away. We've posted before about his having been spotted in Florida at GOP events, at Adelson events, at other Republican events. Skunks and stripes don't change.

(THREAD) There are ties between former PM and mega-donor . 1/9

Canada - Doing better without conservatives

Amazon's Huge New Distribution Centre In Ottawa Will Mean 1,000 Jobs: Reports

The rapidly expanding retailer holds out the promise of "good middle class jobs" for the national capital.

Amazon is beginning work on a massive distribution centre in Ottawa that is expected to bring 1,000 jobs to the area, according to local news reports.
Amazon is not officially confirming its plans for Ottawa, but two members of Parliament confirmed the plans to CBC Ottawa.
"It will employ approximately 1,000 people, good middle class jobs, and it's going to be a transportation hub," Orleans MP Andrew Leslie told CBC. "We have been working with Amazon for a couple of months now and we are just thrilled that it's all coming to maturation."

Even conservatives expect more sustance

Lacks a spine, as speaker of the house he was nothing more than Stephen Harpers lap dog.

Claims to be a Christian but lacks compassion and surrounds himself with hater like Ezra Levant and Goldy.

Doug's team

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Sunday's Ride - Volvo PV 444 A 1947, 74000 km, 3 owner, all original. Full history.

Conservatives oppressing the working class for financial gain

Mental Health Awareness

"Piglet?" said Pooh.
"Yes Pooh?" said Piglet.
"Do you ever have days when everything feels... Not Very Okay At All? And sometimes you don't even know why you feel Not Very Okay At All, you just know that you do."
Piglet nodded his head sagely. "Oh yes," said Piglet. "I definitely have those days."
"Really?" said Pooh in surprise. "I would never have thought that. You always seem so happy and like you have got everything in life all sorted out."
"Ah," said Piglet. "Well here's the thing. There are two things that you need to know, Pooh. The first thing is that even those pigs, and bears, and people, who seem to have got everything in life all sorted out... they probably haven't. Actually, everyone has days when they feel Not Very Okay At All. Some people are just better at hiding it than others.
"And the second thing you need to know... is that it's okay to feel Not Very Okay At All. It can be quite normal, in fact. And all you need to do, on those days when you feel Not Very Okay At All, is come and find me, and tell me. Don't ever feel like you have to hide the fact you're feeling Not Very Okay At All. Always come and tell me. Because I will always be there."

The Judds - "Grandpa" ((w/Lyrics))

Thanks Randy

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Saturday's Ride - 1963 Ford Falcon Sprint Hardtop 302 350-HP 4-Speed Guards Red

Shame on you for supporting Doug Ford

Beer - A Quick Review

For all the beer drinking people out there....You just knew there was some reason we so readily took to beer.

  Sometimes, when I reflect on all the beer I drink, I feel ashamedThen I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I did not drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. I think, it is better to drink this beer and let their dreams come true, than be selfish and worry about my liver.
Babe Ruth

"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading".
Paul Horning

"24 hours in a day and 24 beers in a case.
I think not".
H. L. Mencken

"When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep.
When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.
So, let's all get drunk and go to heaven".
George Bernard Shaw

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy".
Benjamin Franklin

"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer.
Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention,
but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza".
Dave Barry
Beer: Helping ugly people have sex since 3000 B.C.
W. C. Fields

Remember "I" before "E," except in Budweiser.
Professor Irwin Corey

To some it is a six-pack. To me, it is a Support Group.
Salvation in a can.
Leo Durocher

One night atCheers,a TV Sitcom,Cliff Clavinsaid to his buddy, Norm Peterson:

"Well, ya see, Norm, it's like this ... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo.  And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first.
This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.
In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells.
Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells.
But, naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first.
In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine.

That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers".

Thanks Randy