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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Trump is tainted

Carl Bernstein: FBI isn't tainted, Trump's presidency is

Veteran journalist Carl Bernstein tore into President Trump on Tuesday over the latter's attacks on the FBI, saying it's Trump's presidency whose integrity has been compromised, not the law enforcement agency's. 
In an interview with CNN's Jim Sciutto, the legendary Watergate reporter accused Trump of acting contemptuously toward the FBI and other "instruments" of American democracy.
“The key word … that he keeps using is ‘tainted.’ There’s really only one institution that has really been tainted through these months and that is the Trump presidency," Bernstein said. "It’s tainted by the president’s lies, by his disrespect for American institutions operating under the law with traditional American democracy and the instruments thereof."
“He’s contemptuous of those instruments,” Bernstein added.

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