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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Russia and Trump

Who the hell is @RVAwonk and how is she cracking the Kremlin's code?

For the next 50 years and beyond, we will look back on 2017 as a pivotal moment in American history.

This was the year that transformed Donald Trump from buffoon candidate into the president of the United States, and sent the globe careening toward the precipice over which it now teeters.
It was the year the world began to comprehend how deeply Russian propaganda has penetrated the American psyche. They used a wholly unexpected and lethal weapon — our own irresistible addiction to the Internet.
It was also the year that turned the scholar Caroline Orr into a social media sensation and must-follow for anyone hooked on U.S. Special Counsel Bob Mueller investigation into Russia and the Trump campaign. Better known to her hundreds of thousands of followers as @RVAwonk, Orr has emerged as one of the most incisive and compelling observers on Trump, Russia, and the propaganda wars now consuming world attention.
A social sciences scholar studying human interactions on the Internet, Orr watched the cyber-war continue unabated in real time. Her Twitter feed plays an invaluable role in decoding the cyber-mysteries of Trump and Russia for the amateur sleuth and average reader alike.

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