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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Union conspiracy

After months of partisan uproar over Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s alleged conflict-of-interest issues, we may finally be getting to the heart of the matter. Turns out the campaign to bring down the minister really has nothing to do with whether he was in breach of federal conflict rules when he introduced legislation to reform federal pension legislation. The real issue is that Morneau introduced legislation to reform federal pension legislation.
That the conflict-of-interest allegations are a fabricated front for a union drive to kill the legislation became all too clear Monday when The Globe and Mail published a story outlining how the Canada Post Pension Advisory Council had delivered a letter back in September to Parliament’s ethics watchdog warning that Morneau could be in a conflict of interest because he was “spearheading” legislation that would “benefit his family firm.”

Terence Corcoran: Now we know Bill Morneau’s ‘conflicts’ were concocted by union activists

It turns out the campaign to bring down Bill Morneau has nothing to do with conflict of interest rules

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