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Wednesday, November 29, 2017



From birth we set a series of milestone. First it is crawling, then walking and then talking. Once we achieve one milestone we set our eyes on the next one. When I was ten I looked forward to being 13, then at 19 it was that age of majority, 21 when I was old enough to go to the bar, get married and no longer needed my parents’ permission, I soon realized i was now fully responsible for my own mistakes.

My 30th and 40th birthdays came and went without incident, then there was my 50th and all those damn shirts, 23 years later I still have one hanging in the cupboard as a reminder.

Today as my 73rd rapidly approaches I reflect back on my family and the milestones they set for themselves and for me. It was exciting times watching them grow, go to school, play sports, graduate and give us grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Now I have a new series of milestones that I have set for myself. First is my 75th, I really look forward to that birthday. Then there is my 79th, if I make it there I will have outlived my dad, he set a lot of standards and goals for me and I am sure he would like to see me live longer than he. Then, of course there is 84, a year longer than mom who was the most loyal, loving and loved woman in the life of many foster children and family members.

My final goal is to outlive my grandmother who passed at the ripe old age of 101…. Yup we all need milestones to achieve.

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