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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Trump is a 70 year old arrogant, ignorant man child who would rather bully than listen and learn.

Trump’s introduction to Colombia: Hilarious, deeply offensive and self-destructive

Colombia was never properly introduced to US President Donald Trump until Thursday. After it was, Trump had made such a fool of himself that he had lost control of one of the United States’ most important strategic allies in the region.
I’m still trying to grasp Trump’s epic blunder, so I will stick to my first impression as a foreigner, for now.
From a Colombian perspective, Trump’s speech was hilarious, incredibly stupid and profoundly offensive — the 30-minute rollercoaster ride of an apparent madman.

The funny part: Trump displays extraordinary idiocy

When twice(!) he referred to Colombian “cocoa,” the bean you make chocolate with, instead of coca, the base ingredient of cocaine, Trump displayed a stunning ignorance of what he was talking about, drug trafficking.
Trump made Colombia, a nation of 49 million, aware that the president of the United States of America has absolutely n.o.  f.u.c.k.i.n.g.  i.d.e.a.  what he is doing.
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos took advantage and made it clear he knows exactly what he’s doing. He took the US president for a spin.

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