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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

We're still at it and Quebec msm twists to their own tune

The way Quebec media and pundits reported on Mitch Garber’s speech was very telling

Montreal businessman Mitch Garber, CEO of Caesars Acquisition Company, chairman of Cirque du Soleil, and a former judge on French TV show Dans L’oeil Du Dragon, recently gave an extraordinary speech at the Canadian Club of Montreal.
His common-sense, highly on-point, and even-handed comments were a breath of fresh air in the often-stale, recycled atmosphere of listening to the same old boring often-parochial politics in this province. In a hard-hitting, no-holds-barred, brutally honest speech he candidly pointed the finger at both his own English community and the French community for not breaking away from old patterns and the decades-long blame game.
“The resistance by members of my own Jewish anglo community to learn, live, and speak French is short-sighted and embarrassing,” he said addressing Quebec’s English community.
“The failure on the French side to see the global and cultural benefits for their children to speak at least two languages, including the world’s working business and internet language is paralyzing the potential of generations of French Canadians,” he said to francophone Quebecers.
Thanks ivan

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