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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Where's our ships Steve????

Chile’s $30 million supply ship – South American nation has capabilities Canada lacks

Ever since I wrote the article on the Chilean Navy ship, theAlmirante Montt, I have been receiving emails from readers questioning why that country is able to field such a capability when Canada cannot. (The RCN’s $2.9 billion Joint Support Ships are late in coming and not expected until at least 2020/2021).
Canada paid $6 million to Chile so that the Almirante Montt (show above in photo courtesy of DND) was available this summer for 40 sea days on the west coast. The ship was used to resupply Canadian warships and train RCN sailors in at-sea resupply skills.
The Almirante Montt is the former U.S. Navy supply ship Andrew J Higgins. The vessel was built in 1987 and mothballed by the U.S. in 1996. It was purchased by Chile in 2009.
Chile spent $30 million to purchase the ship and refurbish it, with the work being done in the U.S.
During that process, the engine systems were modernized and new communications equipment installed.
In 2010 the vessel, renamed the Almirante Montt, went into service as the largest ship in Chile’s fleet. Chile’s navy also purchased a commercial tanker to support its fleet.

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