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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The season of promises - Election 2015

Like every other election in history this one is filled with promise.

The NDP are making promises. The Liberals are making promises. The Conservatives are making promises and the Green and Bloc, while they may be sincere in their promises, can't give Canadians anything.

Who to believe? Who to believe?

First, not one of the promises will become a reality on the 20th of October or in the first week, first month and probably not in the first year if the NDP or Liberals form a majority government.


Because Stephen Harper and the Conservatives, with their over zealous cuts to taxes, have starved the beast.

Canada is the only G7 country in a (second under Harper) recession as a result of Stephen Harper s slash and gut policies.

If you listen to Stephen Harper and his campaign of fear mongering that "now is not the time for change" one quickly realizes that even he knows he has fucked up the economy. He stated emphatically that there would not be any  stimulus package to help jump start the economy.

Economists around the World, those who actually work at their given trade, are criticizing Harper's refusal to implement some form of stimulus. These educated and practicing economists say that when the economy stalls one should stimulate and when it is firing on all cylinders that is the time to pay down the deficit. But that is NOT Stephen Harper's philosophy. Harper has shown Canadians that when the economy faulters that is the time to cut taxes, reduce revenues, cut services and take away those social programs like Employment Insurance and Medicare.

The country has endured a decade of Harper incompetency. A decade of Harper lies. A decade of Harper secrecy and a decade of Harper economics.

Why in hell would anyone vote for this dictatorial fool?

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