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Friday, April 5, 2013

It is time to kick the C.R.A.P. out of Canada

I have said it before and I will say again and again this Conservative Reform Alliance Party is trying to undermine and destroy democracy in Canada at every level of politics.

They have now set their sites on undermining the Mayor of Calgary Naheed Nenshi all because he is a non-partisan politician and not one of their politcal terrorists.

"The National Post reported earlier this month that a handful of conservative-minded municipal candidates have been training at the Manning Centre for Building Democracy, a think-tank working to build the country's conservative movement."

If our Federal government is an example of the graduates of this think tank then we can expect more underhanded tactics and political terrorism in municipal, provincial and federal politics.

They cloak themselves in blue, call themselves tories when in reallity they are nothing but fanatical anti-Canadians whose mantra is "If you can't beat'em .... cheat'em".


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